<!-- #include file="../../../include.asp" --> <% '<!-- '################################################ ' 名称 :記帳チェックの照会 ' 作成日:2002/10/30 ' 作成者:徳田 ' 目的 :記帳チェックの照会画面を表示する。 ' 概要 : ' <<表示>> ' ・記帳チェックの照会 '################################################ '--> ' ' %> <% main() Sub main() If Not(SessionCheck()) Then Exit Sub End If '運用管理演習状況記帳チェックの一覧表示フラグ Dim HyojiFlg HyojiFlg = Request("HyojiFlg") Dim Kaishibi, Syuryobi Dim CheckType CheckType = Request("CheckType") If CheckType = "" Then CheckType = "1" End If '仕訳日単位で集計するため Dim Shiwakebi Shiwakebi = Request("Shiwakebi") ' Shiwakebi = "2018/04/13" Dim bCheckSeiriKinyugo bCheckSeiriKinyugo = CheckSeiriKinyugo(GB_KaisyaCD, GB_KaikeiSyuryobi) Dim bCheckKessanFurikaego bCheckKessanFurikaego = CheckKessanFurikaego(GB_KaisyaCD, GB_KaikeiSyuryobi) Dim RouteType RouteType = Request("RouteType") Dim Query Dim Content Dim Content2 Dim InputSokanjyoMototyo , InputHojyobo, RiyoDenpyoSu, SyohinCheck, GenbutsuCheck Dim InputGenkinSuitotyo Dim InputTouzayokinSuitotyo Dim InputUriagetyo Dim InputShiiretyo Dim InputUrikakekinMototyo Dim InputKaikakekinMototyo Dim InputUketoriTegatatyo Dim InputShiharaiTegatatyo Dim InputKoguchiSuitocho Dim SokanjyomototyoHyojyunshiki Dim CheckLink Dim EnshuKubun Query = "exec SPM演習取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then EnshuKubun = Content.Fields("演習区分") InputSokanjyoMototyo = Content.Fields("手動総勘定元帳表示") InputHojyobo = "" & Content.Fields("手動補助簿表示") RiyoDenpyoSu = Content.Fields("利用伝票数区分") SyohinCheck = Content.Fields("商品チェック表示") GenbutsuCheck = Content.Fields("現物チェック表示") InputGenkinSuitotyo = "" & Content.Fields("現金出納帳表示") InputKoguchiSuitocho = "" & Content.Fields("小口現金出納帳表示") InputTouzayokinSuitotyo = "" & Content.Fields("当座預金出納帳表示") InputUriagetyo = "" & Content.Fields("売上帳表示") InputShiiretyo = "" & Content.Fields("仕入帳表示") InputUrikakekinMototyo = "" & Content.Fields("売掛金元帳表示") InputKaikakekinMototyo = "" & Content.Fields("買掛金元帳表示") InputUketoriTegatatyo = "" & Content.Fields("受取手形記入帳表示") InputShiharaiTegatatyo = "" & Content.Fields("支払手形記入帳表示") SokanjyomototyoHyojyunshiki = Content.Fields("総勘定元帳標準式利用") CheckLink = Content.Fields("チェック画面リンク利用") End If InputHojyobo = "1" If InputGenkinSuitotyo <> "1" And InputKoguchiSuitocho <> "1" And InputTouzayokinSuitotyo <> "1" And InputUriagetyo <> "1" And InputShiiretyo <> "1" And InputUrikakekinMototyo <> "1" And InputKaikakekinMototyo <> "1" And InputUketoriTegatatyo <> "1" And InputShiharaiTegatatyo <> "1" Then InputHojyobo = "0" End If If "" & CheckLink = "" Then CheckLink = "1" End If Dim color1, color2 color1 = "#0000FF" color2 = "red" Dim iCount iCount = 0 'チェック区分により集計された科目の内訳を表示する拡張(081125小野) Dim TmpKamokuCD TmpKamokuCD = "" Dim UCWKCheckKubun Dim UCWKKamokuCD Dim UCWKKamokuMeisho Dim UCWKDenpyoKarikata Dim UCWKDenpyoKashikata Dim UCWKDenpyoZanDaka Dim UCWKMototyoKarikata Dim UCWKMototyoKashikata Dim UCWKMototyoZanDaka Dim UCWKHyojiFlg ReDim UCWKCheckKubun(0) ReDim UCWKKamokuCD(0) ReDim UCWKKamokuMeisho(0) ReDim UCWKDenpyoKarikata(0) ReDim UCWKDenpyoKashikata(0) ReDim UCWKDenpyoZanDaka(0) ReDim UCWKMototyoKarikata(0) ReDim UCWKMototyoKashikata(0) ReDim UCWKMototyoZanDaka(0) ReDim UCWKHyojiFlg(0) 'チェック区分により集計される科目の内訳を取得 If DynamicKityoCheck = 0 Then Query = "exec SPM記帳チェック挿入一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & GB_KaisyaCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) If "" & Content.Fields("科目チェック区分") <> "" Then If "" & Content.Fields("チェック区分") <> TmpKamokuCD Then ReDim PreServe UCWKCheckKubun(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun) + 1) ReDim PreServe UCWKKamokuCD(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKKamokuMeisho(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKDenpyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKDenpyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKDenpyoZanDaka(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKMototyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKMototyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKMototyoZanDaka(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) ReDim PreServe UCWKHyojiFlg(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) UCWKCheckKubun(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("科目チェック区分") UCWKKamokuCD(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("チェック区分") UCWKKamokuMeisho(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("勘定名称") TmpKamokuCD = "" & Content.Fields("チェック区分") End If If "" & Content.Fields("チェック種類") = "1" Then UCWKDenpyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("伝票借方") UCWKDenpyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("伝票貸方") If "" & UCWKDenpyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = "" Then UCWKDenpyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = 0 End If If "" & UCWKDenpyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = "" Then UCWKDenpyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = 0 End If If "" & Content.Fields("貸借区分") = "D" Then UCWKDenpyoZanDaka(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = UCWKDenpyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) - UCWKDenpyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) Else UCWKDenpyoZanDaka(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = UCWKDenpyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) - UCWKDenpyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) End If ElseIf "" & Content.Fields("チェック種類") = "2" Then UCWKMototyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("元帳借方") UCWKMototyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = Content.Fields("元帳貸方") If "" & UCWKMototyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = "" Then UCWKMototyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = 0 End If If "" & UCWKMototyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = "" Then UCWKMototyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = 0 End If If "" & Content.Fields("貸借区分") = "D" Then UCWKMototyoZanDaka(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = UCWKMototyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) - UCWKMototyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) Else UCWKMototyoZanDaka(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) = UCWKMototyoKashikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) - UCWKMototyoKarikata(UBound(UCWKCheckKubun)) End If End If End If Content.MoveNext Loop End If '内訳を表示するチェック区分を特定する Dim TmpCheckKubun TmpCheckKubun = "" For ii = UBound(UCWKCheckKubun) To 1 Step -1 UCWKHyojiFlg(ii) = 0 If UCWKCheckKubun(ii) = TmpCheckKubun Then UCWKHyojiFlg(ii) = 1 UCWKHyojiFlg(ii + 1) = 1 End If TmpCheckKubun = "" & UCWKCheckKubun(ii) Next 'For ii = 1 To UBound(UCWKCheckKubun) ' Response.Write(UCWKCheckKubun(ii) & ":" & UCWKHyojiFlg(ii) & ":" & UCWKKamokuMeisho(ii) & "<BR>" & vbCrLf) 'Next 'Exit Sub If DynamicKityoCheck = 0 Then If Shiwakebi <> "" Then Query = "exec SPM記帳チェック挿入集計2 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & GB_KaisyaCD & "'" Else Query = "exec SPM記帳チェック挿入集計 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & GB_KaisyaCD & "'" End If Else Query = "exec SPM記帳チェック '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & GB_KaisyaCD & "'" 'リアルタイム集計は重いので非利用 End If ReDim KubunCD(0), KanjyoMeisyo(0), KanjyoCD(0), CheckKubun(0) ReDim DenpyoKarikata(0), DenpyoKashikata(0), DenpyoZandaka(0) ReDim MototyoKarikata(0), MototyoKashikata(0), MototyoZandaka(0) ReDim HojyoboKarikata(0), HojyoboKashikata(0), HojyoboZandaka(0) ReDim GenbutsuKarikata(0), GenbutsuKashikata(0), GenbutsuZandaka(0) iCount = 0 Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) '原価会計勘定科目は表示しないよう変更 Dim GyoshuCheck Query = "exec SPM勘定科目取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & Content.Fields("勘定CD") & "'" Set Content2 = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF) Then GyoshuCheck = Content2.Fields("業種CD") End If '原価科目は除外 If GyoshuCheck = "G" Then '銀行以外の業種の場合は銀行科目を除外(業種変更時に不要な期首設定が残る場合があるため) ElseIf GB_Gyosyu <> "B" And GyoshuCheck = "B" Then 'チェック区分が存在する項目は常に表示される仕様であるため '普通・別段・積立・定期各預金チェック区分で伝票・元帳・補助簿の貸借が全て0なら表示しないよう修正 ElseIf Left(Content.Fields("チェック区分"),1) = "D" And Content.Fields("伝票借方") = 0 And Content.Fields("伝票貸方") = 0 And Content.Fields("元帳借方") = 0 And Content.Fields("元帳貸方") = 0 And Content.Fields("補助簿借方") = 0 And Content.Fields("補助簿貸方") = 0 Then Else iCount = iCount + 1 ReDim PreServe KubunCD(iCount), KanjyoMeisyo(iCount), KanjyoCD(iCount), CheckKubun(iCount) ReDim PreServe DenpyoKarikata(iCount), DenpyoKashikata(iCount), DenpyoZandaka(iCount) ReDim PreServe MototyoKarikata(iCount), MototyoKashikata(iCount), MototyoZandaka(iCount) ReDim PreServe HojyoboKarikata(iCount), HojyoboKashikata(iCount), HojyoboZandaka(iCount) ReDim PreServe GenbutsuKarikata(iCount), GenbutsuKashikata(iCount), GenbutsuZandaka(iCount) KanjyoMeisyo(iCount) = Content.Fields("勘定名称") KanjyoCD(iCount) = Content.Fields("勘定CD") CheckKubun(iCount) = Content.Fields("チェック区分") 'バージョン5未満ではチェック区分「小口現金」を除外 If MajorVersion < 5 And CheckKubun(iCount) = "AI" Then CheckKubun(iCount) = "" End If DenpyoKarikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("伝票借方") DenpyoKashikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("伝票貸方") DenpyoZandaka(iCount) = Content.Fields("伝票残高") MototyoKarikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("元帳借方") MototyoKashikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("元帳貸方") MototyoZandaka(iCount) = Content.Fields("元帳残高") HojyoboKarikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("補助簿借方") HojyoboKashikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("補助簿貸方") HojyoboZandaka(iCount) = Content.Fields("補助簿残高") GenbutsuKarikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("現物借方") GenbutsuKashikata(iCount) = Content.Fields("現物貸方") GenbutsuZandaka(iCount) = Content.Fields("現物残高") 'チェック区分により集計された科目の内訳を表示する拡張(081125小野) For ii = 1 To UBound(UCWKCheckKubun) If UCWKCheckKubun(ii) = CheckKubun(iCount) Then If UCWKHyojiFlg(ii) = 1 Then iCount = iCount + 1 ReDim PreServe KubunCD(iCount), KanjyoMeisyo(iCount), KanjyoCD(iCount), CheckKubun(iCount) ReDim PreServe DenpyoKarikata(iCount), DenpyoKashikata(iCount), DenpyoZandaka(iCount) ReDim PreServe MototyoKarikata(iCount), MototyoKashikata(iCount), MototyoZandaka(iCount) ReDim PreServe HojyoboKarikata(iCount), HojyoboKashikata(iCount), HojyoboZandaka(iCount) ReDim PreServe GenbutsuKarikata(iCount), GenbutsuKashikata(iCount), GenbutsuZandaka(iCount) KanjyoMeisyo(iCount) = "(" & UCWKKamokuMeisho(ii) & ")" KanjyoCD(iCount) = UCWKKamokuCD(ii) CheckKubun(iCount) = UCWKCheckKubun(ii) DenpyoKarikata(iCount) = UCWKDenpyoKarikata(ii) DenpyoKashikata(iCount) = UCWKDenpyoKashikata(ii) DenpyoZandaka(iCount) = UCWKDenpyoZandaka(ii) MototyoKarikata(iCount) = UCWKMototyoKarikata(ii) MototyoKashikata(iCount) = UCWKMototyoKashikata(ii) MototyoZandaka(iCount) = UCWKMototyoZanDaka(ii) HojyoboKarikata(iCount) = "----------" HojyoboKashikata(iCount) = "----------" HojyoboZandaka(iCount) = "----------" Else '内訳を表示しない場合は実際の科目名称を表示する(090520小野) KanjyoMeisyo(iCount) = UCWKKamokuMeisho(ii) End If End If Next End If Content.MoveNext Loop Dim tblbtntype If InStr(RouteType, "KityoOnly") > 0 Then tblbtntype = "2" Else tblbtntype = "3" End If 'InputSokanjyoMototyo = "1" 'InputHojyobo = "1" '元帳または補助簿全てがOFFの場合はレイアウトを調節する Dim CellWidth Dim ParentWidth Dim FintSize CellWidth = 87 ParentWidth = 930 CellWidth = 95 ParentWidth = 1002 FintSize = "tx1315" If InputSokanjyoMototyo <> "1" And InputHojyobo <> "1" Then CellWidth = 120 ParentWidth = 570 FintSize = "tx1416" ElseIf InputSokanjyoMototyo <> "1" Or InputHojyobo <> "1" Then CellWidth = 120 'ParentWidth = 530 FintSize = "tx1416" End If %> <html> <% = HtmlHeader("") %> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- ExitFlg = 1; HomeAlias = "<% = HomeAlias %>"; HomeAliasSL = "<% = HomeAliasSL %>"; --> </SCRIPT> <body onkeydown="if(ExitFlg==2)ExitFlg=3;" onBeforeUnload="if(ExitFlg!=0)window.event.returnValue = ExitMsg(ExitFlg)" bgcolor="#5C70B6" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <% If InStr(RouteType, "KityoOnly") > 0 Then Response.Write(HtmlDesign(5)) Else Response.Write(HtmlDesign(1)) End If If GB_Admin >= 1 Then Response.Write(HttpL1(4)) Else Response.Write(HttpL1(3)) End If If GB_Admin >= 1 Then 'オートログインパラメータ取得(模擬実践の場合は最上位1名分) Dim AutoLoginGakuseiNo Dim AutoLoginPassword AutoLoginGakuseiNo = "" AutoLoginPassword = "" If EnshuKubun = "G" Then Query = "exec SPM演習会社履歴 '" & GB_SystemCD & "', '" & EnshuCD & "', 0" 'ソート区分指定 Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) If Content.Fields("会社CD") = GB_KaisyaCD Then AutoLoginGakuseiNo = Content.Fields("学生番号") AutoLoginPassword = Content.Fields("パスワード") Exit Do End If Content.MoveNext Loop Else Query = "exec SPM会社取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then Query = "exec SPMユーザー取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & Content.Fields("学生番号") & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then AutoLoginGakuseiNo = Content.Fields("学生番号") AutoLoginPassword = Content.Fields("パスワード") End If End If End If Response.Write(HttpL2("運用管理メニュー" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/admenu_w.asp')", "演習状況チェック", "PageReloadFlug=true;tblbtn('/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/syokai/fm_kityochk_ichiran.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "')", "個別記帳チェック", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) If AutoLoginGakuseiNo <> "" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_1("再表示", "PageReload();", "一覧表示", "PageReloadFlug=true;tblbtn('/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/syokai/fm_kityochk_ichiran.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "');", "印刷", "PrintoutReal()", " 演習会社ログイン ", "PageReloadFlug=true;tblbtn('/" & HomeAlias & "/default_bin.asp?AutoLoginEnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&AutoLoginKaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&GakuseiBango=" & AutoLoginGakuseiNo & "&Password=" & AutoLoginPassword & "&AutoLogin=1&AutoLoginReturn=Check');", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_1("再表示", "PageReload();", "一覧表示", "PageReloadFlug=true;tblbtn('/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/syokai/fm_kityochk_ichiran.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "');", "印刷", "PrintoutReal()", " 演習会社ログイン ", "alert('この会社を利用している生徒が存在しません ');", "", "")) End If ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "KityoOnly") > 0 Then Response.Write(HttpL2("チェックウィンドウ" ,"", "記帳チェック", "", "帳簿", "", "", "","", "", "", "")) ' Response.Write(HttpL3_1("再表示", "tblbtn( 'fm_kityo_check.asp?RouteType=KityoOnly')", "印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL3_1("印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) ' Response.Write(HttpL3_1("印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "再集計", "tblbtn( 'fm_kityo_check_main_bin.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&')", "テスト", "tblbtn( 'fm_kityo_check_main1.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&')", "", "", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "社長室・総務部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s4.asp')", "チェック", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL3_1("再表示", "tblbtn( 'fm_kityo_check.asp')", "印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "", "", "", "", "", "")) End If Response.Write(HttpL3("","" ,"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) If RiyoDenpyoSu <> 5 Then SyohinCheck = "0" End If If CheckType = "1" Then If GenbutsuCheck = "1" Then If SyohinCheck = "1" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2("現物チェック", "tblbtn('fm_genbutsu_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&CheckType=2&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "&KichoCheck=1')", "商品チェック", "tblbtn('fm_syohin_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType &"&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "&KichoCheck=1')", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_2("現物チェック", "tblbtn('fm_genbutsu_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&CheckType=2&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "&KichoCheck=1')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) End If Else If SyohinCheck = "1" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2("商品チェック", "tblbtn('fm_syohin_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&KichoCheck=1&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_2("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) End If End If Else If SyohinCheck = "1" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2("記帳チェック", "tblbtn('fm_kityo_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType &"&CheckType=1&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "&KichoCheck=1')", "商品チェック", "tblbtn('fm_syohin_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "&KichoCheck=1')", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_2("記帳チェック", "tblbtn('fm_kityo_check.asp?EnshuCD=" & EnshuCD & "&KaisyaCD=" & GB_KaisyaCD & "&RouteType=" & RouteType &"&CheckType=1&HyojiFlg=" & HyojiFlg & "&KichoCheck=1')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) End If End If If GB_Admin >= 1 Then Response.Write(HttpL4("個別記帳チェック", "")) ElseIf CheckType = "1" Then Response.Write(HttpL4("記帳チェック", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL4("現物チェック", "")) End If %> <div id="L0" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; left: 0px; top: -2000px;"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5" WIDTH="730" HEIGHT="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid #000000"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" valign="top" > <TABLE BACKGROUND="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/window_bk.gif" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="0" WIDTH="730" HEIGHT="100%" bordercolor="#111111"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="center" valign="top"> <TABLE height="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" > <TR height="10"> <TD VALIGN="BOTTOM" align="center"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" width="100%"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="BOTTOM" align="left"> <TABLE BORDER="1" width="<% = ParentWidth %>" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDERCOLOR="#000000" BGCOLOR="#DDDDDD" CLASS="<% = FintSize %>" STYLE="border-collapse: collapse"> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <!-- <TD HEIGHT="22" rowspan="2" onclick="tblbtn( 'fm_kityo_check_main_bin.asp?EnshuCD=<% = EnshuCD %>&KaisyaCD=<% = GB_KaisyaCD %>&RouteType=<% = RouteType %>&Shiwakebi=<% = Shiwakebi %>')">勘定科目</TD> --> <TD HEIGHT="22"> <% If ShiwakebiSelect = 1 Then %> 日付 <select size="1" name="Shiwakebi" class="tbox4" onChange="tblbtn('fm_kityo_check_main_bin.asp?EnshuCD=<% = EnshuCD %>&KaisyaCD=<% = GB_KaisyaCD %>&RouteType=<% = RouteType %>&Shiwakebi='+this.value);"> <option value="">すべての仕訳</option> <% Query = "" Query = Query & " " Query = Query & " " Query = Query & " SELECT 取引日 " Query = Query & " FROM TSK伝票F " Query = Query & " WHERE 削除フラグ = 0 " Query = Query & " AND システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' " Query = Query & " AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' " Query = Query & " AND 会社CD = '" & KaisyaCD & "' " Query = Query & " GROUP BY 取引日 " Query = Query & " ORDER BY 取引日 DESC " Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Response.Write("<option value=""" & Content.Fields("取引日") & """") If "" & Content.Fields("取引日") = Shiwakebi Then Response.Write(" selected") End If Response.Write(">" & Content.Fields("取引日")) Response.Write("</option>" & vbCrLf) Content.MoveNext Loop %> </select> <% End If %> </TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth * 3 %>" HEIGHT="22" colspan="3"><font color="<% = color1 %>"><% If RiyoDenpyoSu < 1 Then %>仕 訳 帳<% Else %>伝 票<% End If %>(基準)</font></TD> <% If InputSokanjyoMototyo = "1" Then %> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth * 3 %>" HEIGHT="22" colspan="3">元 帳</TD> <% End If %> <% If CheckType = "1" And InputHojyobo = "1" Then %> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth * 3 %>" HEIGHT="22" colspan="3">補 助 簿</TD> <% End If %> <% If CheckType = "2" Then %> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth * 3 %>" HEIGHT="22" colspan="3">現 物</TD> <% End If %> </TR> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD onclick="tblbtn( 'fm_kityo_check_main_bin.asp?EnshuCD=<% = EnshuCD %>&KaisyaCD=<% = GB_KaisyaCD %>&RouteType=<% = RouteType %>')">勘定科目</TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22"><font color="<% = color1 %>">借方金額</font></TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22"><font color="<% = color1 %>">貸方金額</font></TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22"><font color="<% = color1 %>">残 高</font></TD> <% If InputSokanjyoMototyo = "1" Then %> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22">借方金額</TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22">貸方金額</TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22">残 高</TD> <% End If %> <% If InputHojyobo = "1" Then %> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22">借方金額</TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22">貸方金額</TD> <TD WIDTH="<% = CellWidth %>" HEIGHT="22">残 高</TD> <% End If %> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD width="18"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP"> <DIV ID="Layer1" STYLE="position:relative; left:0px; top:-1px; width:<% = ParentWidth + 20 %>px; height:100%; z-index:1; border: 1px none #000000; overflow: auto;"> <TABLE ID="SyoukaiList" width="<% = ParentWidth %>" BORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BORDERCOLOR="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="<% = FintSize %>" STYLE="border-collapse: collapse"> <% Dim i Dim RowCount, RowBreakNum Dim ii, jj ii = 0 Dim bExistSeiMark bExistSeiMark = 0 Dim bExistFuriMark bExistFuriMark = 0 RowCount = 0 RowBreakNum = 5 For ii = 1 To iCount RowCount = RowCount + 1 Response.Write("<tr>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td HEIGHT=""24"" style=""padding:3px;"">") Response.Write(SetStringFixWidth(KanjyoMeisyo(ii))) Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If GB_Admin = 0 Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write(" style=""cursor:pointer;"" onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s11.asp')""") End If End If Response.Write("""><font color=""" & color1 & """ style='cursor:auto'>" & ConvIntToMoney(DenpyoKarikata(ii), false, true) & "</font></td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If GB_Admin = 0 Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write(" style=""cursor:pointer;"" onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s11.asp')""") End If End If Response.Write("""><font color=""" & color1 & """ style='cursor:auto'>" & ConvIntToMoney(DenpyoKashikata(ii), false, true) & "</font></td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If GB_Admin = 0 Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write(" style=""cursor:pointer;"" onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s11.asp')""") End If End If Response.Write("""><font color=""" & color1 & """ style='cursor:auto'>" & ConvIntToMoney(DenpyoZandaka(ii), false, true) & "</font></td>" & vbCrLf) If InputSokanjyoMototyo = "1" Then Dim TmpSokanjyoMototyo If SokanjyomototyoHyojyunshiki = "1" Then TmpSokanjyoMototyo = "hyojyun" End If Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If GB_Admin = 0 Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write(" style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/tyobo/fk_sokanjyomototyo" & TmpSokanjyoMototyo & ".asp?RouteType=&KanjyoCD=" & KanjyoCD(ii) & "')""") End If End If Response.Write(">") If DenpyoKarikata(ii) = MototyoKarikata(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKarikata(ii), false, true)) ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AH" And bCheckSeiriKinyugo = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKarikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("整") bExistSeiMark = 1 ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AG" And bCheckKessanFurikaego = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKarikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("振") bExistFuriMark = 1 Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKarikata(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If GB_Admin = 0 Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write(" style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/tyobo/fk_sokanjyomototyo" & TmpSokanjyoMototyo & ".asp?RouteType=&KanjyoCD=" & KanjyoCD(ii) & "')""") End If End If Response.Write(">") If DenpyoKashikata(ii) = MototyoKashikata(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKashikata(ii), false, true)) ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AH" And bCheckSeiriKinyugo = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKashikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("整") bExistSeiMark = 1 ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AG" And bCheckKessanFurikaego = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKashikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("振") bExistFuriMark = 1 Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(MototyoKashikata(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If GB_Admin = 0 Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write(" style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/tyobo/fk_sokanjyomototyo" & TmpSokanjyoMototyo & ".asp?RouteType=&KanjyoCD=" & KanjyoCD(ii) & "')""") End If End If Response.Write(">") If DenpyoZandaka(ii) = MototyoZandaka(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoZandaka(ii), false, true)) ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AH" And bCheckSeiriKinyugo = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoZandaka(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("整") bExistSeiMark = 1 ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AG" And bCheckKessanFurikaego = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(MototyoZandaka(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("振") bExistFuriMark = 1 Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(MototyoZandaka(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) End If If CheckType = "1" And InputHojyobo = "1" Then Dim addr, ShikibetsuCD ShikibetsuCD = CheckKubun(ii) addr = "" If ShikibetsuCD = "AA" Then If InputGenkinSuitotyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_genkinsuitotyo.asp" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AB" Then If InputTouzayokinSuitotyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_touzayokinsuitotyo.asp" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AC" Then If InputUrikakekinMototyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_urikaikakekintyo.asp?PageType=Urikake" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AD" Then If InputKaikakekinMototyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_urikaikakekintyo.asp?PageType=Kaikake" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AE" Then If InputUketoriTegatatyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_uketorisiharaitegatatyo.asp?PageType=Uketori" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AF" Then If InputShiharaiTegatatyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_uketorisiharaitegatatyo.asp?PageType=Shiharai" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AG" Then If InputUriagetyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_shiireuriagetyo.asp?RouteType=&PageType=Uriage" End If ElseIf ShikibetsuCD = "AH" Then If InputShiiretyo <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_shiireuriagetyo.asp?RouteType=&PageType=Shiire" End If ElseIf MajorVersion => 5 And ShikibetsuCD = "AI" Then If InputKoguchiSuitocho <> "1" Then addr = "OFF" Else addr = "fk_koguchisuitocho.asp" End If Else addr = "" End If If GB_Admin > 0 And addr <> "OFF" Then addr = "" End If Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If addr <> "" And addr <> "OFF" Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write("style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/hojyobo/" & addr & "')""") End If End If Response.Write(">") ' If IsNull(CheckKubun(ii)) Then 'チェック区分の先頭が"A"で無ければ補助簿非表示(預金関係勘定の対応) 'チェック区分により集計された科目の内訳行は補助簿非表示(081126小野) If KanjyoCD(ii) = CheckKubun(ii) Or Left(CheckKubun(ii),1) <> "A" Or addr = "OFF" Or HojyoboKarikata(ii) = "----------" Then Response.Write("----------") ElseIf DenpyoKarikata(ii) = HojyoboKarikata(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKarikata(ii), false, true)) ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AH" And bCheckSeiriKinyugo = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKarikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("整") bExistSeiMark = 1 ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AG" And bCheckKessanFurikaego = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKarikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("振") bExistFuriMark = 1 Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKarikata(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If addr <> "" And addr <> "OFF" Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write("style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/hojyobo/" & addr & "')""") End If End If Response.Write(">") ' If IsNull(CheckKubun(ii)) Then 'チェック区分の先頭が"A"で無ければ補助簿非表示(預金関係勘定の対応) 'チェック区分により集計された科目の内訳行は補助簿非表示(081126小野) If KanjyoCD(ii) = CheckKubun(ii) Or Left(CheckKubun(ii),1) <> "A" Or addr = "OFF" Or HojyoboKashikata(ii) = "----------" Then Response.Write("----------") ElseIf DenpyoKashikata(ii) = HojyoboKashikata(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKashikata(ii), false, true)) ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AH" And bCheckSeiriKinyugo = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKashikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("整") bExistSeiMark = 1 ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AG" And bCheckKessanFurikaego = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKashikata(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("振") bExistFuriMark = 1 Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboKashikata(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right""") If addr <> "" And addr <> "OFF" Then If CheckLink = "1" Then Response.Write("style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=""tblbtn" & tblbtntype & "('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/hojyobo/" & addr & "')""") End If End If Response.Write(">") ' If IsNull(CheckKubun(ii)) Then 'チェック区分の先頭が"A"で無ければ補助簿非表示(預金関係勘定の対応) 'チェック区分により集計された科目の内訳行は補助簿非表示(081126小野) If KanjyoCD(ii) = CheckKubun(ii) Or Left(CheckKubun(ii),1) <> "A" Or addr = "OFF" Or HojyoboZandaka(ii) = "----------" Then Response.Write("----------") ElseIf DenpyoZandaka(ii) = HojyoboZandaka(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboZandaka(ii), false, true)) ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AH" And bCheckSeiriKinyugo = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboZandaka(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("整") bExistSeiMark = 1 ElseIf CheckKubun(ii) = "AG" And bCheckKessanFurikaego = 1 Then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboZandaka(ii), false, true)) Response.Write("振") bExistFuriMark = 1 Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(HojyoboZandaka(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) End If If CheckType = "2" Then Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right"">") If DenpyoKarikata(ii) = GenbutsuKarikata(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(GenbutsuKarikata(ii), false, true)) Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(GenbutsuKarikata(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right"">") If DenpyoKashikata(ii) = GenbutsuKashikata(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(GenbutsuKashikata(ii), false, true)) Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(GenbutsuKashikata(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("<td width=""" & CellWidth & """ align=""right"">") If DenpyoZandaka(ii) = GenbutsuZandaka(ii) then Response.Write(ConvIntToMoney(GenbutsuZandaka(ii), false, true)) Else Response.Write("<font color=""" & color2 & """>" & ConvIntToMoney(GenbutsuZandaka(ii), false, true) & "×</font>") End If Response.Write("</td>" & vbCrLf) End If Response.Write("</tr>" & vbCrLf) Next %> </TABLE> </DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR height="10"> <TD ALIGN="center"> <span class="tx1214"><FONT color=#ff0000>×が付いている項目は、伝票の数値と異なっている部分です。</FONT></span> <% If bExistSeiMark = 1 Or bExistFuriMark = 1 Then %> <br><span class="tx1214"><FONT color="#000000"> <% If bExistSeiMark = 1 And bExistFuriMark = 1 Then %> 「整」「振」 ・・・ 決算整理・決算振替済みの仕入・売上勘定では、金額が異なっていても間違いではない場合があります <% ElseIf bExistSeiMark = 1 Then %> 「整」 ・・・ 決算整理済みの仕入勘定では、金額が異なっていても間違いではない場合があります <% Else %> 「振」 ・・・ 決算振替済みの売上勘定では、金額が異なっていても間違いではない場合があります <% End If %> </FONT></span> <% End If %> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </div> </body> <% If GB_Admin >= 1 Then '運用管理でのみ提示リロード処理 %> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var PageReloadFlug = true; function PageReload() { var el = document.getElementById("Layer1"); //alert(el.scrollTop); //Layer1のスクロール量をクエリ送信しリロード tblbtn('fm_kityo_check.asp?EnshuCD=<% = EnshuCD %>&KaisyaCD=<% = GB_KaisyaCD %>&RouteType=<% = RouteType %>&HyojiFlg=<% = HyojiFlg %>&Shiwakebi=<% = Shiwakebi %>&KichoCheck=1&Layer1ScrollTop=' + el.scrollTop + ''); } </script> <SCRIPT FOR="window" EVENT="onload" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <% 'スクロール量を取得 Dim Layer1ScrollTop Layer1ScrollTop = Request("Layer1ScrollTop") If Layer1ScrollTop = "" Then Layer1ScrollTop = "0" End If If Not(IsNumeric(Layer1ScrollTop)) Then Layer1ScrollTop = "0" End If %> //初期スクロール var el = document.getElementById("Layer1"); el.scrollTop = <% = Layer1ScrollTop %>; setTimeout('PageReload();', <% = MailCheckInterval * 200 %>); //定時リロード(MailCheckIntervalの1/5) </script> <% End If %> <% = HtmlFooter %> </html> <% End Sub %>