<!-- #include file="../../../include.asp" -->

'	名称	:寄託出庫依頼処理
'	作成日:2006/12/11
'	作成者:鈴木
'	目的  :寄託出庫依頼を表示する。
'	概要	:


Sub main()

	Dim SakuseiKaisyaCD                            '作成会社CD
	Dim TorihikisakiCD                             '取引先CD
	Dim KitakuGaisyaCD                             '寄託会社CD
	Dim SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD                        '先方寄託会社CD
	Dim UnsoGaisyaCD                               '運送会社CD
	Dim UnsoGaisyaMei                              '運送会社名
	Dim BunsyoSyuruiCD                             '文書種類CD
	Dim BunsyoNaiyoCD                              '文書内容CD
	Dim SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD                        '先方文書種類CD
	Dim SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD                         '先方文書内容CD
	Dim Syoribi                                    '処理日
	Dim SenpoSyoribi                               '先方処理日
	Dim NonyuKijitsu                               '納入期日
	Dim UntinSyogakariKubun                        '運賃諸掛区分
	Dim Unsohi                                     '運送費
	Dim UnsohiSeikyuFlg                            '運送請求フラグ
	Dim Tekiyo                                     '摘要
	Dim ShiharaiHoho                               '支払方法
	Dim HasshinFlg                                 '発信フラグ
	Dim Kakaku(6)		                               '標準単価
	Dim SyohinCD(6)	                               '商品コード
	Dim SyohinName(6)							                 '商品名称
	Dim Suryo(6)		                               '数量
	Dim Tanka(6)		                               '単価
	Dim UnsoTanka(6)	                             '運送単価
	Dim Zaiko(6)		                               '在庫数量
	Dim GakuseiShimei							                 '学生氏名(係印)
	Dim SyoruiMei                                  '書類名
	Dim Query
	Dim Content
	Dim Shimei                                     '氏名
	Dim PageType
	Dim ZaikoTemp
	Dim ShijyoCD(5)                                '市場CD
	Dim SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei

	BunsyoNaiyoCD = Request("BunsyoNaiyoCD")
	BunsyoSyuruiCD = Request("BunsyoSyuruiCD")
	SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD = Request("SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD")
	SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD = Request("SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD")
	Dim Bintype
	Bintype = Request("Bintype")
	If Bintype = "" Then
		Bintype = "KitakuSyukoIrai"
	End If

	Dim Kitakuriyou
	Dim Jissenbi
	Query = "exec SPM演習取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei = Content.Fields("商品入出庫整合性利用")
		Kitakuriyou = Content.Fields("寄託倉庫利用") 
		Jissenbi = "" & Content.Fields("実践日")
	End If

	Query = "exec SPM会社取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		If KitakuGaisyaCD = "" Then
			KitakuGaisyaCD = Content.Fields("寄託会社CD")
		End If
	End If

	PageType = Request("PageType")

	Dim SenpoFlg
	SenpoFlg = 0
	If SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then
		SenpoFlg = 1
	End If

	'SyoruiMei = ConvKubunMeisyo("入出庫区分", BunsyoSyuruiCD)
	If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then
		SyoruiMei = "寄託確認"
		SyoruiMei = "寄託出庫依頼書"
	End If

	If BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Or SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then
		If SenpoFlg = 1 Then
			Query = "exec SPD仕入売上書類取得4 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD & "'"
			Query = "exec SPD仕入売上書類取得4 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'"
		End If


		Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

		If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
			If SenpoFlg = 1 Then
				SakuseiKaisyaCD = Content.Fields("作成会社CD")
				TorihikisakiCD = Content.Fields("取引先CD")
				Syoribi = Content.Fields("処理日")
				SenpoSyoribi = Content.Fields("先方処理日")
				SakuseiKaisyaCD = Content.Fields("作成会社CD")
				TorihikisakiCD = Content.Fields("取引先CD")
				Syoribi = Content.Fields("先方処理日")
				SenpoSyoribi = Content.Fields("処理日")
			End If
			UnsoGaisyaCD = Content.Fields("運送会社CD")
			KitakuGaisyaCD = Content.Fields("寄託会社CD")
			SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD = Content.Fields("先方寄託会社CD")

			Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
				Dim DenpyoSEQ,PreDenpyoSEQ
				DenpyoSEQ = Content.Fields("文書内容SEQ")
				SyohinCD(DenpyoSEQ) = Content.Fields("商品CD")
				Zaiko(DenpyoSEQ) = ConvSyohinZaiko(Content.Fields("商品CD"))

				ShijyoCD(DenpyoSEQ) = Content.Fields("市場CD")
				SyohinName(DenpyoSEQ) = ConvSyohinMeisyo(Content.Fields("商品CD"))
				Kakaku(DenpyoSEQ) = ConvSyohinHanbaiTanka(Content.Fields("商品CD"))
				Suryo(DenpyoSEQ) = Content.Fields("数量")
				Tanka(DenpyoSEQ) = Content.Fields("単価")
				UnsoTanka(DenpyoSEQ) = Content.Fields("運送単価")
		End If
	End If

	Query = "exec SPD仕入売上書類取得4 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', 'KS', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
'		Response.Redirect("fd_kitaku_syukko_view.asp?SakuseiKaisyaCD=" & KaisyaCD & "&BunsyoSyuruiCD=KS&BunsyoNaiyoCD=" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "&BinType=Hasshin")
		HasshinFlg = Content.Fields("発行フラグ")
	End If

	Dim jj,tmps
	Dim SyohinMeisyo, SyohinMeisyoListWidth, ShijyoListWidth
	SyohinMeisyo = "商品略名称"
	SyohinMeisyoListWidth = "width: 120;"
	ShijyoListWidth = "width:80"
	If BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "KI" AND BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "KX" AND BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "KY" Then
		SyohinMeisyo = "商品略名称"
		SyohinMeisyoListWidth = "width: 120;"
		ShijyoListWidth = "width:80"
		SyohinMeisyo = "商品名称"
	End If

'Response.Write("[" & KitakuGaisyaCD & "]<br>")
'Response.Write("[" & SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD & "]<br>")
'Exit Sub

	If "" & KitakuGaisyaCD = "" Then
		Query = "exec SPM会社取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "'"
		Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
		If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
			KitakuGaisyaCD = Content.Fields("寄託会社CD")
			Query = ""
			Query = Query & "  "
			Query = Query & " UPDATE TSA仕入売上書類F "
			Query = Query & " SET 寄託会社CD = '" & KitakuGaisyaCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " WHERE システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 作成会社CD = '" & KaisyaCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND (寄託会社CD = '' OR 寄託会社CD IS NULL) "
'			Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
'			Query = ""
'			Query = Query & "  "
			Query = Query & " UPDATE TSA仕入売上書類F "
			Query = Query & " SET 先方寄託会社CD = '" & KitakuGaisyaCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " WHERE システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 取引先CD = '" & KaisyaCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND (先方寄託会社CD = '' OR 先方寄託会社CD IS NULL) "
			Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
		End If
	End If
	If "" & SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD = "" Then
		Query = "exec SPM会社取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & TorihikisakiCD & "'"
		Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
		If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
			SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD = Content.Fields("寄託会社CD")
			Query = ""
			Query = Query & "  "
			Query = Query & " UPDATE TSA仕入売上書類F "
			Query = Query & " SET 先方寄託会社CD = '" & SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " WHERE システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 取引先CD = '" & TorihikisakiCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND (先方寄託会社CD = '' OR 先方寄託会社CD IS NULL) "
'			Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
'			Query = ""
'			Query = Query & "  "
			Query = Query & " UPDATE TSA仕入売上書類F "
			Query = Query & " SET 寄託会社CD = '" & SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " WHERE システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND 作成会社CD = '" & TorihikisakiCD & "' "
			Query = Query & " 	AND (寄託会社CD = '' OR 寄託会社CD IS NULL) "
			Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
		End If
	End If

'Response.Write("[" & KitakuGaisyaCD & "]<br>")
'Response.Write("[" & SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD & "]<br>")
'Exit Sub

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=shift_jis">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
<link href="../../../binx/sj3web.css?<% = TimeUniq() %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title><% = AppTitle %></title>
<script language="JScript" src="../../../include.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
<script language="JScript" src="../../../includesj.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
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<script type=""text/javascript"" src="../../../javascript.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
	HomeAlias = "<% = HomeAlias %>";
	HomeAliasSL = "<% = HomeAliasSL %>";
	ExitFlg = 2;
//function CngShohin
function CngShohin(selindex,selname){
Val = new Array();
Tex = new Array();


	Dim Query2,Content2,i,j
	Query = "exec SPM市場一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
			Response.Write("Val[" & i & "] = new Array()" & vbCrLf)
			Response.Write("Tex[" & i & "] = new Array()" & vbCrLf)
			if i = 0 then
				Query2 = "exec SPM商品市場一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','', '" & GB_GakuseiNo & "'"
				Query2 = "exec SPM商品市場一覧2 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & Content.Fields("市場CD") & "', '" & GB_GakuseiNo & "'"
			end if
			Set Content2 = OpenQuery(Query2)
			If Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF) Then
				j = 0
					Response.Write("Val[" & i & "][" & j & "] = ''" & vbCrLf )
					Response.Write("Tex[" & i & "][" & j & "] = '    '" & vbCrLf )
				j = j + 1
				Do While Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF)
					Response.Write("Val[" & i & "][" & j & "] = '" & Content2.Fields("商品CD") & "'" & vbCrLf )
					Response.Write("Tex[" & i & "][" & j & "] = '" & Content2.Fields(SyohinMeisyo) & "'" & vbCrLf )

					j = j + 1
			End If
			if i <> 0 then
			end if
			i = i + 1

	End If

	switch (selname) {
	  case 'S1':
			document.form1.SyohinCD1.options.length = Val[selindex].length //配列長を変更
				document.form1.SyohinCD1.options[i].value = Val[selindex][i]
				document.form1.SyohinCD1.options[i].text = Tex[selindex][i]
			document.form1.SyohinCD1.selectedIndex = 0
	  case 'S2':

			document.form1.SyohinCD2.options.length = Val[selindex].length //配列長を変更
				document.form1.SyohinCD2.options[i].value = Val[selindex][i]
				document.form1.SyohinCD2.options[i].text = Tex[selindex][i]
			document.form1.SyohinCD2.selectedIndex = 0
	  case 'S3':
			document.form1.SyohinCD3.options.length = Val[selindex].length //配列長を変更
				document.form1.SyohinCD3.options[i].value = Val[selindex][i]
				document.form1.SyohinCD3.options[i].text = Tex[selindex][i]
			document.form1.SyohinCD3.selectedIndex = 0
	  case 'S4':
			document.form1.SyohinCD4.options.length = Val[selindex].length //配列長を変更
				document.form1.SyohinCD4.options[i].value = Val[selindex][i]
				document.form1.SyohinCD4.options[i].text = Tex[selindex][i]
			document.form1.SyohinCD4.selectedIndex = 0
	  case 'S5':
			document.form1.SyohinCD5.options.length = Val[selindex].length //配列長を変更
				document.form1.SyohinCD5.options[i].value = Val[selindex][i]
				document.form1.SyohinCD5.options[i].text = Tex[selindex][i]
			document.form1.SyohinCD5.selectedIndex = 0


<body onkeydown="if(ExitFlg==2)ExitFlg=3;" onBeforeUnload="window.event.returnValue = ExitMsg(ExitFlg)" bgcolor="#5C70B6" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

<form OnKeyDown="FormKeyDown(this)"	 method="POST" action="fd_kitaku_syukko_bin.asp" name="form1">
<input type="hidden" name="OldBunsyoNaiyoCD" value="<% = BunsyoNaiyoCD %>">
<input type="hidden" name="BinType" value="<% = BinType %>">
<input type="hidden" name="Action" value="">



	If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "商品企画室", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s5.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "仕入部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s3.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
		Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "販売部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s2.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
	End If

	Response.Write(HttpL3("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	If SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei = "1" And SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_1("受け付ける", "SubmitCheck()", "受け付けない", "form1.Action.value='Deny';SubmitReal(form1);", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
		If HasshinFlg <> 1 Then
			Response.Write(HttpL3_1("保存", "SubmitCheck()", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
			Response.Write(HttpL3_1("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
		End If
	End If

	'Response.Write(HttpL3_2("先方書類一覧", "tblbtn( 'fd_kitaku_syukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "')", "一覧表示", "tblbtn( 'fd_kitaku_syukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "')", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	'Response.Write(HttpL3_2("先方書類一覧", "tblbtn( 'fd_kitaku_syukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	Response.Write(HttpL3_2("一覧表示", "tblbtn('fd_kitaku_syukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=KS')", "先方書類一覧", "tblbtn( 'fd_kitaku_syukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=KU')", "", "", "", "", "", ""))



<div id="L0" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; left: 0px; top: -2000px;">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
		<td align="CENTER" valign="middle">
			<table width="600" height="355" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="border:solid 1px #000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
					<td height="355" align="CENTER" valign="middle">
						<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="355">
								<td height="40" align="CENTER" valign="middle">
									<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"  height="30" width="580" class="tx1416">
											<td width="25%">
												<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
													<tr class="tx1214">
														<td align="left">
															<table class="tx2224b" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
																	<td align="center" nowrap><%

																		If Len(SyoruiMei) < 8 Then
																		End If
											<td> </td>
								<td height="45" align="CENTER" valign="middle">
									<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"  height="168" width="580" class="tx1618">
											<td width="13%" height="20">出庫番号</td>
											<td width="51%" height="20">
												<input type="hidden" name="BunsyoNaiyoCD" size="13" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% = BunsyoNaiyoCD %>"><% = BunsyoNaiyoCD %>
											<td width="13%" height="20">処 理 日</td>
											<td width="23%" height="20">
												<% If HasshinFlg = 1 Then %>
													<input type="text" name="Syoribi" size="12" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% = Syoribi %>">
												<% ElseIf Jissenbi <> "" Then %>
													<input type="text" name="Syoribi" size="12" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% = Jissenbi %>">
												<% Else %>
													<input type="text" name="Syoribi" size="12" value="" onBlur="SetDate(this, 1, true)" class="tbox4">
												<% End If %>
											<td height="20">取 引 先</td>
											<td height="20">
												<% If BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then %>
													<input type="hidden" name="TorihikisakiMei" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, TorihikisakiCD) %>"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, TorihikisakiCD) %>
													<input type="hidden" name="TorihikisakiCD" size="15" value="<% = TorihikisakiCD %>">
												<% Else %>
															<select size="1" name="TorihikisakiCD" class="tbox4" style="width:105" OnChange="SetSenpoKitakuGaisya();">

																<option value="">    </option>
																		Query = "exec SPM会社全部一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & GakuseiNo & "'"
																	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

																		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)

																			'If ((BunsyoKubun = "X" OR BunsyoKubun = "1") AND Content.Fields("業種CD") = "K") OR ((BunsyoKubun <> "X" AND BunsyoKubun <> "1") AND Content.Fields("業種CD") = "S") Then
																			If (Content.Fields("業種CD") = "S") Then
																				Dim TmpKaisyaCD
																				TmpKaisyaCD = Content.Fields("会社CD")
																				If TmpkaisyaCD <> KaisyaCD Then
																					Response.Write("<option value=""" & Content.Fields("会社CD") & """")
																					If Content.Fields("会社CD") = TorihikisakiCD Then
																						Response.Write(" selected")
																					End If
																					Response.Write(">" & Content.Fields("会社名称") & "</option>" & vbCrLf)
																				End If
																			End If

												<% End If %>
											<td height="20">注文請日</td>
											<td height="20">
												<% If BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then %>
													<input type="hidden" name="SenpoSyoribi" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% = SenpoSyoribi %>"><% = SenpoSyoribi %>
												<% Else %>
													<input type="text" name="SenpoSyoribi" size="16" value="" onBlur="SetDate(this, 1, true)" class="tbox4">
												<% End If %>

											<td height="20">依頼会社</td>
											<td height="20">

													<input type="hidden" name="IraiGaisyaMei" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, SakuseiKaisyaCD) %>"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, SakuseiKaisyaCD) %>
													<input type="hidden" name="IraiGaisyaCD" value="<% = SakuseiKaisyaCD %>">

											<td height="20" align="center"></td>
											<td height="20"></td>

											<td height="20">寄託倉庫</td>
											<td height="20">

													<input type="hidden" name="KitakuGaisyaMei" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, KitakuGaisyaCD) %>"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, KitakuGaisyaCD) %>
													<input type="hidden" name="KitakuGaisyaCD" value="<% =KitakuGaisyaCD %>">

											<td height="20" align="center"></td>
											<td height="20"></td>

											<td height="20">納入場所</td>
											<td height="20">
												<% If BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then %>
													<input type="hidden" name="SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD) %>"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD) %>
													<input type="hidden" name="SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% = SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD %>"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD) %>
												<% Else %>
																<input type="hidden" name="SenpoKitakuGaisyaMei" size="15" value="<% =ConvKaisyaMeisyo(SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD) %>" readonly class="tbox4_ro"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyo(SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD) %>
																<input type="hidden" name="SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD" value="<% =SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD %>">
												<% End If %>
											<td height="20" align="center"></td>
											<td height="20"></td>

											<td height="20">運送会社</td>
											<td height="20">
												<% If BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then %>
													<input type="hidden" name="UnsoGaisyaCD" size="15" readonly class="tbox4_ro" value="<% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, UnsoGaisyaCD) %>"><% =ConvKaisyaMeisyoDX(EnshuCD, UnsoGaisyaCD) %>
												<% Else %>
															<select size="1" name="UnsoGaisyaCD" class="tbox4" style="width:105">
																<option value="">    </option>
																	Query = "exec SPM会社全部一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & GakuseiNo & "'"
																	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
																		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
																			If Content.Fields("業種CD") = "U" Then
																				Response.Write("<option value=""" & Content.Fields("会社CD") & """")
																				If Content.Fields("会社CD") = UnsoGaisyaCD Then
																					Response.Write(" selected")
																				End If
																				Response.Write(">" & Content.Fields("会社名称") & "</option>" & vbCrLf)
																			End If
												<% End If %>
											<td height="20" align="center"></td>
											<td height="20"></td>
								<td align="CENTER">

									<table width="520" height="180" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border:solid 2px #FFFFFF">
											<td width="100%" align="RIGHT">
												<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="580" bordercolor="#000000">
															<td height="30" valign="TOP">
																<table width="100%" height="30" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000"  class="tx1618" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
																		<td align="center">商品名称</td>
																		<td align="center" width="19%"><% If MHMSTDSELLPRICE <> "" Then Response.Write(MHMSTDSELLPRICE) Else Response.Write("標準単価") End If %></td>
																		<% If HasshinFlg <> 1  Then %>
																		<td align="center" width="18%">在庫数</td>
																		<% End If %>
																		<td align="center" width="18%">数 量</td>

															<!-- ■市場選択機能追加060803suzuki //-->
																<table width="100%" height="180" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000"  class="tx1618">
																	dim ii
																	For ii = 1 to 5

																		If SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD <> "" Or HasshinFlg = 1  Then 

																			Response.Write("<td align='left'>" & ConvSyohinRyakuMeisyo(SyohinCD(ii)) & "<br></td>" & vbCrLf)
																			Response.Write("<td align='right' width='16%'>" & SetMoney(Kakaku(ii), false, true) & "<br></td>" & vbCrLf)
																			If GB_Gyosyu <> "K" AND BunsyoNaiyoCD = "" Then
																				Response.Write("<td align='right' width='16%'>" & SetMoney(Zaiko(ii), false, true) & "<br></td>" & vbCrLf)
																			End If
																			Response.Write("<td align='right' width='16%'>" & SetMoney(Suryo(ii), false, true) & "<br></td>" & vbCrLf)


																			Response.Write("<td align='center'>")

																			If 0=1 Then

																			<select name="S<% =ii %>" size="1" style="<% = ShijyoListWidth %>" onChange="CngShohin(this.selectedIndex,this.name)" class="tbox4">
																			<option value="">    </option>

																					Query = "exec SPM市場一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'"
																					Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
																					Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
																						Response.Write("<option value=""" & Content.Fields("市場CD") & """")
																						If Content.Fields("市場CD") = ShijyoCD(ii) Then 
																							Response.Write(" selected")
																						End If
																						Response.Write(">" & Content.Fields("市場名称") & "</option>" & vbCrLf)


																				Response.Write("<select name='SyohinCD" & ii & "' size='1' class='tbox4' style='" & SyohinMeisyoListWidth & "' onChange='SetSyohinHanbaiTanka(" & ii & ");SetSyohinZaiko(" & ii & ");'>")
																				Response.Write("<option value=''>    </option>")

																				Query = "exec SPM商品市場一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & ShijyoCD(ii) & "', '" & GB_GakuseiNo & "'"
																				Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
																				Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
																					If BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "SC" Or (BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" And Content.Fields("所有会社CD") = KaisyaCD ) Then 
																						Response.Write("<option value='" & Content.Fields("商品CD") & "'")
																						If Content.Fields("商品CD") = SyohinCD(ii) Then
																							Response.Write(" selected")
																						End If
																						Response.Write(">" & Content.Fields("商品略名称") & "</option>" & vbCrLf)
																					End If


																				Response.Write("<input type='text' name='SyohinMeisyo" & ii & "' size='40' value='" & ConvSyohinMeisyo(SyohinCD(ii)) & "' class='tbox4_ro' readonly>" & vbCrLf)
																				Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='SyohinCD" & ii & "' value='" & SyohinCD(ii) & "'>" & vbCrLf)

																			End If

																				Response.Write("<td align='center' width='19%'><input type='text' name='Kakaku" & ii & "' size='15' value='" & SetMoney(Kakaku(ii), false, true) & "' class='tbox5_ro' readonly></td>" & vbCrLf)
																				If Kitakuriyou <> 1 Then
																				Response.Write("<td align='center' width='18%'><input type='text' name='Zaiko" & ii & "' size='14' value='" & SetMoney(Zaiko(ii) + Suryo(ii), false, true) & "' class='tbox5_ro' readonly></td>" & vbCrLf)
																				Response.Write("<td align='center' width='18%'><input type='text' name='Zaiko" & ii & "' size='14' value='" & SetMoney(Zaiko(ii), false, true) & "' class='tbox5_ro' readonly></td>" & vbCrLf)
																				End If
																				'If HasshinFlg <> 1 Then
																				'	Response.Write("<td align='center' width='18%'><input type='text' name='Suryo" & ii & "' size='14' value='" & SetMoney(Suryo(ii), false, true) & "' onBlur='SetNumber(this, false, 9);SetUntin();' onkeyup='ChangeMoney(this);' class='tbox5' ></td>" & vbCrLf)
																					Response.Write("<td align='center' width='18%'><input type='text' name='Suryo" & ii & "' size='14' value='" & SetMoney(Suryo(ii), false, true) & "' class='tbox5_ro' readonly></td>" & vbCrLf)
																				'End If
																			End If

																		Response.Write("</tr>" & vbCrLf)

<input type="hidden" name="BunsyoSyuruiCD" value="<% = BunsyoSyuruiCD %>">

<input type="hidden" name="SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD" value="<% = SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD" value="<% = SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD %>">
<% If SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD <> "" Then %>
<input type="hidden" name="TorihikisakiCD" value="<% = TorihikisakiCD %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SyohinCD1" value="<% = SyohinCD(1) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="Suryo1" value="<% = Suryo(1) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SyohinCD2" value="<% = SyohinCD(2) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="Suryo2" value="<% = Suryo(2) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SyohinCD3" value="<% = SyohinCD(3) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="Suryo3" value="<% = Suryo(3) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SyohinCD4" value="<% = SyohinCD(4) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="Suryo4" value="<% = Suryo(4) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SyohinCD5" value="<% = SyohinCD(5) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="Suryo5" value="<% = Suryo(5) %>">
<% End If %>
<input type="hidden" name="TmpTanka1" value="<% = Tanka(1) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="TmpTanka2" value="<% = Tanka(2) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="TmpTanka3" value="<% = Tanka(3) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="TmpTanka4" value="<% = Tanka(4) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="TmpTanka5" value="<% = Tanka(5) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="UnsoTanka1" value="<% = UnsoTanka(1) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="UnsoTanka2" value="<% = UnsoTanka(2) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="UnsoTanka3" value="<% = UnsoTanka(3) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="UnsoTanka4" value="<% = UnsoTanka(4) %>">
<input type="hidden" name="UnsoTanka5" value="<% = UnsoTanka(5) %>">



<SCRIPT FOR="window" EVENT="onload" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">


//	名称:SetSyohinHanbaiTanka
//	目的:商品標準販売価格をセットする。
// 作成:2002/11/1 山崎
	function SetSyohinHanbaiTanka(iiflag)
		form1["Kakaku" + iiflag].value = ConvIntToMoney(ConvSyohinHanbaiTanka(document.form1["SyohinCD" + iiflag].value));

//	名称:SetSyohinZaiko
//	目的:商品在庫数をセットする。
// 作成:2002/11/1 山崎
	function SetSyohinZaiko(iiflag)
		if(typeof(form1["Zaiko" + iiflag]) == "object")
			form1["Zaiko" + iiflag].value = ConvIntToMoney(ConvSyohinZaiko(document.form1["SyohinCD" + iiflag].value));

//	名称:SetUntin
//	目的:運賃請求額を更新する
// 概要:運賃諸掛をチェックし、UnsohiSeikyuFlgを更新し、運賃とUnsohiSeikyuFlgを掛け運賃請求額を求める
	function SetUntin()
				<% If 1 = 0 Then %>
		var GokeiSuryo, UnsoTanka;
		GokeiSuryo = 0;
		for(ii = 1; ii<= 5; ii++)
			if(form1["SyohinCD" + ii].value != "")
				GokeiSuryo = GokeiSuryo + ConvMoneyToInt(form1["Suryo" + ii].value);
				form1["UnsoTanka" + ii].value = 0;
				form1["UnsoTanka" + ii].value = "";

		if(form1.UntinSyogakariKubun.value == "K")
			if(GokeiSuryo != 0)
				UnsoTanka = Math.floor(ConvMoneyToInt(form1.Unsohi.value) / GokeiSuryo);
				for(ii = 1; ii<= 5; ii++)
					if(form1["SyohinCD" + ii].value != "")
						form1["UnsoTanka" + ii].value = UnsoTanka ;
		<% End If %>

//	名称:SubmitCheck
//	目的:更新前に入力値をチェックする。
	function SubmitCheck()

		if(form1.Syoribi.value == "")
			return false;
		if(typeof(form1.TorihikisakiCD) == "object")
			if(form1.TorihikisakiCD.value == "")
				return false;
		if(form1.SenpoSyoribi.value == "")
			return false;
		<% If Kitakuriyou = 1 Then %>
		if(typeof(form1.KitakuGaisyaCD) == "object")
			if(form1.KitakuGaisyaCD.value == "")
				return false;
		<% If  BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "KP" Then %>
		if(typeof(form1.SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD) == "object")
			if(form1.SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD.value == "")
				return false;
		<% End If %>

		<% End If %>

		//** 2.運送会社のチェック
		if(typeof(form1.UnsoGaisyaCD) == "object")
			if(form1.UnsoGaisyaCD.value == "")
				return false;

		//** 3.明細部のチェック
		var ii;
		var cnt;
		for(ii = 1;ii <= 5; ii++)
			var SyohinCD;
			var Suryo;
			var Tanka;
			var Zaiko;
			var Kubun;
			SyohinCD = document.form1["SyohinCD" + ii].value;
			if(SyohinCD != "")

				if(SyohinCD == "")
					form1["SyohinCD" + ii].focus();
					return false;

				Suryo = Math.floor(ConvMoneyToInt(document.form1["Suryo" + ii].value));
				if ((isNaN(Suryo)) || (Suryo == 0))
					form1["Suryo" + ii].focus();
					return false;

				<% 'If GB_Gyosyu <> "K" AND BunsyoNaiyoCD = "" AND SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei = "1" AND (BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SU" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX") Then %>
				<% If SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei = "1" Then %>
				Zaiko = Math.floor(ConvMoneyToInt(document.form1["Zaiko" + ii].value, false, false));
				if (isNaN(Zaiko))
					Zaiko = 0;
				if (Suryo > Zaiko)
					return false;
				<% End If %>

				<% If 1 = 0 Then %>
				Zaiko = Math.floor(ConvMoneyToInt(document.form1["Zaiko" + ii].value, false, false));
				if (isNaN(Zaiko))
					Zaiko = 0;
				if (Suryo > Zaiko)
						return false;
				<% End If %>

				<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then %>
				Tanka = document.form1["Tanka" + ii].value;
				if(Tanka == "")
					form1["Tanka" + ii].focus();
					return false;
				<% End If %>
				cnt = 1


		//** 3.明細部に入力が有るかどうかのチェック
		if (cnt == 0)
			return false;
		return true;

//	名称:ConvSyohinHanbaiTanka
//	目的:商品リストの表示
// 作成:2002/8/26 川崎
// 概要:TS商品Mの標準販売単価を返す。
	function ConvSyohinHanbaiTanka(SyohinCD)
	Query = "exec SPM商品一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & GB_GakuseiNo & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
			Response.Write("if(SyohinCD == """ & Content.Fields("商品CD") & """)return """ & Content.Fields("標準販売単価") & """;" & vbCrLf)
		return "";

//	名称:ConvSyohinZaiko
//	目的:商品在庫数リストの表示
// 作成:2002/8/26 川崎
// 概要:指定日時の商品在庫数を返す。
	function ConvSyohinZaiko(SyohinCD)
	Query = "exec SPR入出庫在庫 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" &	KaisyaCD & "','" & GB_KaikeiSyuryobi & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
			Response.Write("if(SyohinCD == """ & Content.Fields("商品CD") & """)return """ & Content.Fields("在庫数") & """;" & vbCrLf)
		if(SyohinCD != "")return "0";
		return "";
<% If Kitakuriyou = 1 Then %>
//	名称:SetSenpoKitakuGaisya
//	目的:先方寄託倉庫会社をセットする。
//  作成:2006/12/10 鈴木
	function SetSenpoKitakuGaisya()
		form1.SenpoKitakuGaisyaCD.value = ConvKitakuGaisya(document.form1.TorihikisakiCD.value);
		form1.SenpoKitakuGaisyaMei.value = ConvKaisyaMei(ConvKitakuGaisya(document.form1.TorihikisakiCD.value));

//	名称:ConvKitakuGaisya
//	目的:寄託倉庫会社表示
//  作成:2006/12/10 鈴木
//  概要:TDA会社Mの寄託会社CDを返す
	function ConvKitakuGaisya(KaisyaCD)

	Query = "exec SPM会社一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '1'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
			Response.Write("if(KaisyaCD == """ & Content.Fields("会社CD") & """)return """ & Content.Fields("寄託会社CD") & """;" & vbCrLf)
		return "";

//	名称:ConvKaisyaMei
//	目的:会社名表示
//  作成:2006/12/10 鈴木
//  概要:TDA会社Mの会社名称を返す
	function ConvKaisyaMei(KaisyaCD)

	Query = "exec SPM会社一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '1'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

		Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
			Response.Write("if(KaisyaCD == """ & Content.Fields("会社CD") & """)return """ & Content.Fields("会社名称") & """;" & vbCrLf)
		return "";

<% End If %>


<% = HtmlFooter %>
<SCRIPT FOR="window" EVENT="onload" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

	<% If HasshinFlg <> 1 Then %>

	event.returnValue = false;
	<% End If %>

End Sub