End If
Dim WidthCell1, WidthCell2, WidthParent, WidthParent2
Dim HeightCell
If PrintFlg = 0 Then
HeightCell = 20
WidthCell1 = 50
WidthCell2 = 91
WidthParent = 952
WidthParent2 = 932
HeightCell = 18
WidthCell1 = 33
WidthCell2 = 68
WidthParent = 708
WidthParent2 = 706
End If
For Page = 1 To MaxPage
If Page <> 1 Then
End If
If PrintFlg = 1 Then
End if
<% = SetStringInsertSpace(SyoruiMei) %> |
<% If AutoFlg <> -1 And PrintFlg = 1 Then %><% = Page %>ページ<% End If %> |
If AutoFlg = - 1 Then
Response.Write(" 年 月 日")
Response.Write(SetDate(Param1, 2))
End If
If AutoFlg <> -1 And PrintFlg = 1 And Param2 = "10" Then
End If
%> |
勘定科目 |
<% If Param2 = "10" Then %>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
<% If Param2 = "10" Then %>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
損益計算書 |
貸借対照表 |
借方 |
貸方 |
借方 |
貸方 |
借方 |
貸方 |
借方 |
貸方 |
<% If PrintFlg <> 1 Then %>
<% End If %>
Dim Query
Dim Content
Dim ii, jj
ii = 0
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
RowCount = RowCount + 1
Dim ShisanhyoKarikata, ShisaknhyoKashikata
Dim SyuseikinyuKarikata, SyuseikinyuKashikata
Dim SonekikeisansyoKarikata, SonekikeisansyoKashikata
Dim TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata, TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata
ShisanhyoKarikata = Content.Fields("試算表借方金額")
ShisaknhyoKashikata = Content.Fields("試算表貸方金額")
SyuseikinyuKarikata = Content.Fields("整理記入借方金額")
SyuseikinyuKashikata = Content.Fields("整理記入貸方金額")
SonekikeisansyoKarikata = Content.Fields("損益計算書借方金額")
SonekikeisansyoKashikata = Content.Fields("損益計算書貸方金額")
TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata = Content.Fields("貸借対照表借方金額")
TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata = Content.Fields("貸借対照表貸方金額")
' If Content.Fields("勘定細目") = "A" And Content.Fields("貸借区分") = "C" Then
' TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata = Content.Fields("貸借対照表借方金額") - Content.Fields("貸借対照表貸方金額")
' TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata = 0
' End If
' その他勘定は反転しない(111012小野)
If Content.Fields("勘定細目") <> "A" And Content.Fields("勘定細目") <> "H" And Content.Fields("貸借区分") = "D" Then
TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata = 0
TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata = Content.Fields("貸借対照表貸方金額") - Content.Fields("貸借対照表借方金額")
End If
If IsNull(ShisanhyoKarikata) Then ShisanhyoKarikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(ShisaknhyoKashikata) Then ShisaknhyoKashikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(SyuseikinyuKarikata) Then SyuseikinyuKarikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(SyuseikinyuKashikata) Then SyuseikinyuKashikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(SonekikeisansyoKarikata) Then SonekikeisansyoKarikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(SonekikeisansyoKashikata) Then SonekikeisansyoKashikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata) Then TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata = 0 End If
If IsNull(TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata) Then TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata = 0 End If
ShisanhyoKarikataGokei = ShisanhyoKarikataGokei + ShisanhyoKarikata
ShisaknhyoKashikataGokei = ShisaknhyoKashikataGokei + ShisaknhyoKashikata
SyuseikinyuKarikataGokei = SyuseikinyuKarikataGokei + SyuseikinyuKarikata
SyuseikinyuKashikataGokei = SyuseikinyuKashikataGokei + SyuseikinyuKashikata
SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei = SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei + SonekikeisansyoKarikata
SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei = SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei + SonekikeisansyoKashikata
TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei = TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei + TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata
TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei = TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei + TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata
ii = ii + 1
Response.Write("" & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & Content.Fields("勘定CD") & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & AscLeft(Content.Fields("勘定名称"),18) & " | " & vbCrLf) '勘定名称を18Byteで切り捨て(061102小野)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(ShisanhyoKarikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(ShisaknhyoKashikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(SyuseikinyuKarikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(SyuseikinyuKashikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(SonekikeisansyoKarikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(SonekikeisansyoKashikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write("" & ConvIntToMoney(TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikata, false, true) & " | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" " & vbCrLf)
If (RowCount Mod RowBreakNum = 0) Then
Exit Do
End If
If 1 = 1 Then
For jj = RowCount + 1 To Max(19, Max(RowBreakNum, (Int((RowCount - 1) / RowBreakNum) + 1) * RowBreakNum) * PrintFlg)
Response.Write("" & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" | " & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" ")
End if
<% If PrintFlg <> 1 Then %>
<% End If %>
<% If Content.BOF Or Content.EOF Then %>
Dim FontSizeToggle
FontSizeToggle = " style=""font-size:14px;"""
If PrintFlg = 1 Then
FontSizeToggle = " style=""font-size:11px;"""
End If
試算表合計 |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(ShisanhyoKarikataGokei, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(ShisaknhyoKashikataGokei, false, true) %> |
If SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei - SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei < 0 Then
ElseIf SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei - SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei > 0 Then
End If
%> |
Dim ToukiPLKari
Dim ToukiPLKashi
Dim ToukiBSKari
Dim ToukiBSKashi
ToukiPLKari = SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei - SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei
ToukiPLKashi = SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei - SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei
ToukiBSKari = TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei - TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei
ToukiBSKashi = TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei - TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei
If ToukiPLKari <= 0 Then ToukiPLKari = null End If
If ToukiPLKashi <= 0 Then ToukiPLKashi = null End If
If ToukiBSKari <= 0 Then ToukiBSKari = null End If
If ToukiBSKashi <= 0 Then ToukiBSKashi = null End If
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(ToukiPLKari, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(ToukiPLKashi, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(ToukiBSKari, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(ToukiBSKashi, false, true) %> |
Dim GokeiPLKari
Dim GokeiPLKashi
Dim GokeiBSKari
Dim GokeiBSKashi
If SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei - SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei < 0 Then
GokeiPLKari = SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei
GokeiPLKari = SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei
End If
If SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei - SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei > 0 Then
GokeiPLKashi = SonekikeisansyoKarikataGokei
GokeiPLKashi = SonekikeisansyoKashikataGokei
End If
If TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei - TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei < 0 Then
GokeiBSKari = TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei
GokeiBSKari = TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei
End If
If TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei - TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei > 0 Then
GokeiBSKashi = TaisyakutaisyohyoKarikataGokei
GokeiBSKashi = TaisyakutaisyohyoKashikataGokei
End If
合計 |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(SyuseikinyuKarikataGokei, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(SyuseikinyuKashikataGokei, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(GokeiPLKari, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(GokeiPLKashi, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(GokeiBSKari, false, true) %> |
10 Then %><% = FontSizeToggle %><% End If %>><% = ConvIntToMoney(GokeiBSKashi, false, true) %> |
<% End If %>
If PrintFlg = 1 Then
End If
If (Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
Exit For
End If
If PrintFlg = 0 Then