<!-- #include file="../../../include.asp" -->

'	名称	:入出庫表示
'	作成日:2002/9/20
'	作成者:山崎 貴史
'	目的 :入出庫画面を表示する。
'	概要	:
'	 <<表示>>
'	・初期は"追加モード":文書内容CDはNULL
'	・文書内容CDが指定してある場合は"修正モード"
'	<<入力チェック>>
'	1.取引日のチェック
'	2.取引先のチェック
'	3.明細部のチェック
'	修正変更:(080327)材料入庫モードを追加


Sub main()

	Dim SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei
	Dim ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo
	Dim AiteShukkoHitsuyo
	Dim JishaZaikoHitsuyo
	Dim HyojunTankaHyoji
	Dim SoukoRiyo
	Dim HaraidashiTankaRiyo
	Query = "exec SPM演習取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		SyohinNyusyukkoSeikousei = "" & Content.Fields("商品入出庫整合性利用")
		ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "" & Content.Fields("出庫時注文請書必要")
		AiteShukkoHitsuyo = "" & Content.Fields("入庫時相手出庫必要") 
		JishaZaikoHitsuyo = "" & Content.Fields("出庫時在庫必要") 
		HyojunTankaHyoji = "" & Content.Fields("標準販売単価表示") 
		SoukoRiyo = "" & Content.Fields("倉庫部利用")
		HaraidashiTankaRiyo = "" & Content.Fields("出庫時払出単価入力")
	End If

	'HaraidashiTankaRiyo = "1"

	If ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "" Then
		ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "0"
	End If
	If AiteShukkoHitsuyo <> "1" Then
		AiteShukkoHitsuyo = "0"
	End If

	Dim BunsyoNaiyoCD, Syoribi, TorihikisakiCD, NonyuKijitsu
	Dim UnsoGaisyaCD, UntinSyogakariKubun, Unsohi, UnsohiSeikyuFlg, Tekiyo, ShiharaiHoho, HasshinFlg
	Dim SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD, SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD, SenpoSyoribi
	Dim BunsyoSyuruiCD
	Dim Kakaku(5)		'標準単価
	Dim SyohinCD(5)														'商品コード
	Dim SyohinName(5)							'商品名称
	Dim Suryo(5)															'数量
	Dim Tanka(5)															'単価
	Dim UnsoTanka(5)														'運送単価
	Dim SyohinGazo(5)

	Dim GakuseiShimei							'学生氏名(係印)
	Dim SyoruiMei
	Dim Query
	Dim Content
	Dim Shimei
	Dim PageType
	Dim RouteType
	Dim SyohinGazoStr
	Dim SakuseiKaisyaCD
	Dim KaisyaCD1
	Dim AdminMailFlag

	Dim SenpoChumonCD
	Dim SenpoChumonNo

	AdminMailFlag = 0

	RouteType = Request("RouteType")
	PageType = Request("PageType")
	BunsyoNaiyoCD = Request("BunsyoNaiyoCD")
	BunsyoSyuruiCD = Request("BunsyoSyuruiCD")
	SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD = Request("SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD")
	SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD = Request("SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD")
	TorihikisakiCD = Request("TorihikisakiCD")
	SakuseiKaisyaCD = Request("SakuseiKaisyaCD")

	if Request("KaisyaCD1") <> "" then
		AdminMailFlag = 1
		KaisyaCD = Request("KaisyaCD1")
	end if

	Dim Label
	If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then
		Label = "材料"
		Label = "商品"
	End If

	Dim ButtonLabel
	If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SU" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "MU" Then
		ButtonLabel = "出庫"
		ButtonLabel = "入庫"
	End If

'Response.Write("AdminMaliFlag:" & AdminMaliFlag)

	SyohinGazoStr = ""

	Dim SenpoFlg
	SenpoFlg = 0
	If SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then
		SenpoFlg = 1
	End If

	If SenpoFlg = 0 Then
		SakuseiKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD
	End If

	Dim SenpoTmpBunsyoSyuruiCD

	If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Then 
		SenpoTmpBunsyoSyuruiCD = "SU"
	ElseIf BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SY" Then 
		SenpoTmpBunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX"
	End If

	SyoruiMei = ConvKubunMeisyo("入出庫区分", BunsyoSyuruiCD)

'Response.Write("PageType:" & PageType & "<br>")
'Response.Write("BunsyoNaiyoCD:" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "<br>")
'Response.Write("SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD:" & SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD & "<br>")
'Exit sub

	If BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Or SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" Then
		If SenpoFlg = 1 Then
			Query = "exec SPD入出庫取得2 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD & "'"
			Query = "exec SPD入出庫取得2 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'"
		End If
'Exit Sub

		Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)


		If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then

			If SenpoFlg = 1 Then
				TorihikisakiCD = Content.Fields("作成会社CD")
				SenpoSyoribi = Content.Fields("処理日")
				Syoribi = Content.Fields("処理日")
				BunsyoNaiyoCD = SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD
				TorihikisakiCD = Content.Fields("取引先CD")
				SenpoSyoribi = Content.Fields("先方処理日")
				Syoribi = Content.Fields("処理日")
				SenpoChumonCD = "" & Content.Fields("先方仕入売上種類CD")
				SenpoChumonNo = "" & Content.Fields("先方仕入売上内容CD")
			End If
			Dim PreNyusyukoSEQ
			PreNyusyukoSEQ = 0

			Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
				Dim NyusyukoSEQ

				NyusyukoSEQ = Content.Fields("入出庫SEQ")
				If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then
					SyohinGazo(NyusyukoSEQ) = ConvZairyoGazo(EnshuCD, Content.Fields("商品CD"))
					Kakaku(NyusyukoSEQ) = ConvZairyoHanbaiTanka(Content.Fields("商品CD"))
					SyohinGazo(NyusyukoSEQ) = ConvSyohinGazo(EnshuCD, Content.Fields("商品CD"))
					Kakaku(NyusyukoSEQ) = ConvSyohinHanbaiTanka(Content.Fields("商品CD"))
				End If
				SyohinCD(NyusyukoSEQ) = Content.Fields("商品CD")
				Suryo(NyusyukoSEQ) = Content.Fields("数量")
				Tanka(NyusyukoSEQ) = Content.Fields("単価")
If NyusyukoSEQ <> PreNyusyukoSEQ Then

				If SyohinGazoStr <> "" Then
					SyohinGazoStr = SyohinGazoStr & ","
				End If

				If SyohinGazo(NyusyukoSEQ) <> "" Then
					SyohinGazoStr = SyohinGazoStr & """" &  Fgoods & "/" & EnshuCD & "/" &SyohinGazo(NyusyukoSEQ) & """"
					SyohinGazoStr = SyohinGazoStr & """/" & HomeAlias & "/images/truck_box.gif?" & GB_STU & """"
				End If
End If
PreNyusyukoSEQ = NyusyukoSEQ

		End If
	End If


	Dim jj,tmps

	If InStr(RouteType, "MailOnly") > 0 Then
		If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SU" AND BunsyoNaiyoCD <> "" And GB_JisyaFlag <> "" Then	'運用管理・演習管理(自社フラグ無し)では開封フラグを立てない(061213小野)
			Query = "exec SPD入出庫書類開封 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "', '" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "', '" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "'"
			Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
		End If
	End If

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=shift_jis">
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<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
<link href="../../../binx/sj3web.css?<% = TimeUniq() %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title><% = AppTitle %></title>
<script language="JScript" src="../../../include.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
<script language="JScript" src="../../../includesj.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
<script language="JScript.Encode" src="../../../include_enc.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
<script language="JScript.Encode" src="../../../includesj_enc.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../javascript.js?<% = TimeUniq() %>"></script>
	HomeAlias = "<% = HomeAlias %>";
	HomeAliasSL = "<% = HomeAliasSL %>";
	ExitFlg = 1;

<body onkeydown="if(ExitFlg==2)ExitFlg=3;" onBeforeUnload="window.event.returnValue = ExitMsg(ExitFlg)" bgcolor="#5C70B6" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<form OnKeyDown="FormKeyDown(this)"	method="POST" action="fd_nyusyukko_bin.asp" name="form1">


	Dim BunsyoType
	If InStr(RouteType, "RMail") > 0 Then
		BunsyoType = "受信文書"
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "SMail") > 0 Then
		BunsyoType = "発信文書"
	End If

	If InStr(RouteType, "MailOnly") > 0 Then
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then
	End If

'	If InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then
'		Response.Write(HtmlDesign(4))
'	Else
'		Response.Write(HtmlDesign(1))
'	End If

	If AdminMailFlag = 1 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("受発信文書ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/mail/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?PageType=" & PageType & "&RouteType=MailOnly')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "MailOnly") > 0 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("受発信文書ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?PageType=" & PageType & "&RouteType=MailOnly')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	ElseIf BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "商品企画室", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s5.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 And InStr(RouteType, "RMail") > 0 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", "受発信文書", "", "受信文書", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 And InStr(RouteType, "SMail") > 0	Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", "受発信文書", "", "発信文書", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
		If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Then
			Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "オリジナル商品管理部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s5.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
		ElseIf BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then
			If SoukoRiyo = "1" And GB_Gyosyu = "S" Then
				Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "倉庫部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s7.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
				Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "仕入部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s3.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
			End If
		ElseIf BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZU" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "MU" Then
			Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "製造部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s6.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
			If SoukoRiyo = "1" And GB_Gyosyu = "S" Then
				Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "倉庫部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s7.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
				Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "販売部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s2.asp')", SyoruiMei, "", "", "", "", ""))
			End If
		End If
	End If

	Response.Write(HttpL3("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	If AdminMailFlag = 1 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_1("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "MailOnly") > 0 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_1("印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "MU" Then	'製造部製品出庫は同一会社内なので整合性のため修正・削除は無し
		Response.Write(HttpL3_1("印刷", "PrintoutReal()",	"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf AiteShukkoHitsuyo = "1" And (BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SY" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SU" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX") Then	'入出庫整合性は出庫側も削除不能
		Response.Write(HttpL3_1("印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "修正", "tblbtn( 'fd_nyusyukko.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&BunsyoNaiyoCD=" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "&SakuseiKaisyaCD=" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "')", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
		Response.Write(HttpL3_1("印刷", "PrintoutReal()", "修正", "tblbtn( 'fd_nyusyukko.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&BunsyoNaiyoCD=" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "&SakuseiKaisyaCD=" & SakuseiKaisyaCD & "')", "削除", "if(confirm('削除してよろしいですか? '))tblbtn('fd_nyusyukko_bin.asp?Action=Del&BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&BunsyoNaiyoCD=" & BunsyoNaiyoCD & "')", "", "", "", ""))
	End If

	If InStr(RouteType, "MailOnly") > 0 Then
		If PageType = "発信文書" Then
			If AdminMailFlag = 1 Then
				Response.Write(HttpL3_3("受信文書", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/mail/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?PageType=受信文書&RouteType=MailOnly')", "発信文書", "", "", "", "受信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/mail/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=受信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')" ,"送信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/mail/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=送信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')"))
				Response.Write(HttpL3_2("受信文書", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?PageType=受信文書&RouteType=MailOnly')", "発信文書", "", "メール作成", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei.asp?RouteType=MailOnly')", "受信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=受信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')" ,"送信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=送信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')"))
			End If
			If AdminMailFlag = 1 Then
				Response.Write(HttpL3_3("受信文書", "", "発信文書", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?PageType=発信文書&RouteType=MailOnly')", "", "", "受信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=受信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')" ,"送信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=送信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')"))
				Response.Write(HttpL3_2("受信文書", "", "発信文書", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?PageType=発信文書&RouteType=MailOnly')", "メール作成", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei.asp?RouteType=MailOnly')", "受信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=受信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')" ,"送信メール", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyownd/fn_mailsakusei_ichiran.asp?PageType=送信メール&RouteType=MailOnly')"))
			End If
		End If
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 And InStr(RouteType, "RMail") > 0	Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_2("一覧表示", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyo/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?RouteType=ViewOnly&PageType=受信文書')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 And InStr(RouteType, "SMail") > 0	Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_2("一覧表示", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/jyuhasshinbunsyo/fn_jyuhasshinbunsyo.asp?RouteType=ViewOnly&PageType=発信文書')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_2("一覧表示", "tblbtn( 'fd_nyusyukko_ichiran.asp?RouteType=ViewOnly&BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf BunsyoSyuruiCD = "MU" Then
		Response.Write(HttpL3_2("追加", "tblbtn( 'fd_seizosashizusho_ichiran.asp?Mode=Shukko')", "一覧表示", "tblbtn( 'fd_nyusyukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "')", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

		Dim ButtonTsuikaLabel
		Dim ButtonTsuikaValue
		Dim ButtonChumonLabel
		Dim ButtonChumonValue
		Dim ButtonSenpoLabel
		Dim ButtonSenpoValue
		Dim ButtonIchiranLabel
		Dim ButtonIchiranValue
		ButtonTsuikaLabel  = "追加"
		ButtonTsuikaValue  = "tblbtn('fd_nyusyukko.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "');"
		ButtonChumonLabel  = "注文請書から出庫"
		ButtonChumonValue  = "tblbtn('fd_nyusyukko_ichiran2.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD=" & SenpoTmpBunsyoSyuruiCD & "&NyusyukoKubun=U');"
		ButtonSenpoLabel   = "先方出庫一覧"
		ButtonSenpoValue   = "tblbtn('fd_nyusyukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD=" & SenpoTmpBunsyoSyuruiCD & "');"
		ButtonIchiranLabel = "一覧表示"
		ButtonIchiranValue = "tblbtn('fd_nyusyukko_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "');"
'ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "1"
'AiteShukkoHitsuyo = "1"
		If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SU" Then
			ButtonSenpoLabel = ""
			ButtonSenpoValue = ""
			If ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "1" Or ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "3" Then
				ButtonTsuikaLabel = ""
				ButtonTsuikaValue = ""
			ElseIf GB_Gyosyu = "K" Or ShukkoUkeshoHitsuyo = "2" Then
				ButtonChumonLabel = ""
				ButtonChumonValue = ""
			End If
		ElseIf (BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SY") And AiteShukkoHitsuyo = "1" Then
			ButtonTsuikaLabel   = ""
			ButtonTsuikaValue   = ""
			ButtonChumonLabel   = ""
			ButtonChumonValue   = ""
			ButtonChumonLabel  = ""
			ButtonChumonValue  = ""
			ButtonSenpoLabel   = ""
			ButtonSenpoValue   = ""
		End If
		Response.Write(HttpL3_2(ButtonTsuikaLabel, ButtonTsuikaValue, ButtonChumonLabel, ButtonChumonValue, ButtonSenpoLabel, ButtonSenpoValue, ButtonIchiranLabel, ButtonIchiranValue, "", ""))

	End If

	Response.Write(HttpL4(SyoruiMei, "照会"))


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																		If Len(SyoruiMei) < 8 Then
																		End If
											<td> </td>
								<td height="45" align="CENTER" valign="BOTTOM">
									<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"  height="54" width="580" class="tx1618">
											<td width="12%" height="20"><% = ButtonLabel %>番号</td>
											<td width="38%" height="20"><% = BunsyoNaiyoCD %></td>
											<td width="20%" height="20">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;処理日</td>
											<td width="30%" height="20"><% = Syoribi %></td>
<% 'If BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "SC" And BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "MU" Then %>
<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD <> "MU" And  TorihikisakiCD <> KaisyaCD Then %>
											<td height="20">取引先</td>
											<td height="20">
											If TorihikisakiCD = "SJ4KOURIHANBAI" Then
												Response.Write(ConvKaisyaMeisyoDx(EnshuCD, TorihikisakiCD))
											End If
											<td width="80" height="20"></td>
											<td width="120" height="20"></td>
<% End If %>
								<td align="CENTER">
									<table width="580" height="230" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border:solid 2px #FFFFFF">
											<td width="100%" align="RIGHT">
												<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="580" bordercolor="#000000">
														<td height="30" valign="TOP">
															<table width="100%" height="30" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame="below" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" class="tx1618" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
																	<td align="center"><% = Label %>名称</td>
																	<% If HyojunTankaHyoji <> "0" Then '標準販売単価表示 %>
																	<td align="center" width="17%"><% If MHMSTDSELLPRICE <> "" Then Response.Write(MHMSTDSELLPRICE) Else Response.Write("標準単価") End If %></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<td align="center" width="16%">数 量</td>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
																	<td align="center" width="17%">単 価</td>
																	<% ElseIf HaraidashiTankaRiyo <> "1" Then %>
																	<td align="center" width="17%">払出単価</td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If 1 = 0 Then %>
																	<td align="center" width="17%">運送単価</td>
																	<% End If %>

															<table width="100%" height="180" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" frame="below" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" class="tx1618">
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvZairyoMeisyo(SyohinCD(1)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% Else %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvSyohinMeisyo(SyohinCD(1)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If HyojunTankaHyoji <> "0" Then '標準販売単価表示 %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Kakaku(1), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<td align="right" width="16%"><% = SetMoney(Suryo(1), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% 'If 1 = 1 Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or HaraidashiTankaRiyo <> "1" Then %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Tanka(1), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvZairyoMeisyo(SyohinCD(2)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% Else %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvSyohinMeisyo(SyohinCD(2)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If HyojunTankaHyoji <> "0" Then '標準販売単価表示 %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Kakaku(2), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<td align="right" width="16%"><% = SetMoney(Suryo(2), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% 'If 1 = 1 Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or HaraidashiTankaRiyo <> "1" Then %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Tanka(2), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvZairyoMeisyo(SyohinCD(3)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% Else %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvSyohinMeisyo(SyohinCD(3)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If HyojunTankaHyoji <> "0" Then '標準販売単価表示 %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Kakaku(3), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<td align="right" width="16%"><% = SetMoney(Suryo(3), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% 'If 1 = 1 Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or HaraidashiTankaRiyo <> "1" Then %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Tanka(3), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvZairyoMeisyo(SyohinCD(4)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% Else %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvSyohinMeisyo(SyohinCD(4)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If HyojunTankaHyoji <> "0" Then '標準販売単価表示 %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Kakaku(4), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<td align="right" width="16%"><% = SetMoney(Suryo(4), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% 'If 1 = 1 Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or HaraidashiTankaRiyo <> "1" Then %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Tanka(4), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvZairyoMeisyo(SyohinCD(5)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% Else %>
																	<td align="left"><% = AscLeft(ConvSyohinMeisyo(SyohinCD(5)),38) %><br></td> <!-- 商品名称を38Byteで切り捨て(061031小野)-->
																	<% End If %>
																	<% If HyojunTankaHyoji <> "0" Then '標準販売単価表示 %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Kakaku(5), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>
																	<td align="right" width="16%"><% = SetMoney(Suryo(5), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% 'If 1 = 1 Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Then %>
																	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SX" Or HaraidashiTankaRiyo <> "1" Then %>
																	<td align="right" width="17%"><% = SetMoney(Tanka(5), false, true) %><br></td>
																	<% End If %>

		<% If Request("Action") = "7" Then %>
		<td width="200">
			<table width="100%" height="210" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<td width="200">
						<table width="100%" height="210" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
								<td width="20" rowspan="2"> 
									<img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/warehouse_l.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="20" height="210"></td>
								<td valign="top"> 
									<div id="AreaLay" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:195px; z-index:1; visibility: visible; overflow: hidden;">
										<div id="TruckLay" style="position:absolute; width:155px; height:135px; z-index:1; top: 60; left: 500;">
											<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SY" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
											<table width="175" height="135" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
													<td width="45" rowspan="2" valign="bottom"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/truck_l_l.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="45" height="65"></td>
													<td width="130" height="100" align="center" valign="bottom"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/piece.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" name="picIMG" width="120" height="90" id="picIMG"></td>
													<td width="130" height="35"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/truck_l_r.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="130" height="35"></td>
											<% Else %>
											<table width="175" height="135" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
													<td width="130" height="100" align="center" valign="bottom"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/piece.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" name="picIMG" width="120" height="90" id="picIMG"></td>
													<td width="45" rowspan="2" valign="bottom"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/truck_r_l.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="45" height="65"></td>
													<td width="130" height="35"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/truck_r_r.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="130" height="35"></td>
											<% End If %>
									<table width="100%" height="195" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
											<td width="50" rowspan="2"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/warehouse_r.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="50" height="195"></td>
											<td height="180">&nbsp;</td>
											<td height="15" bgcolor="#999999"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/spacer.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="10" height="10"></td>
								<td height="15" bgcolor="#999999"><img src="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/spacer.gif?<% = GB_STU %>" width="10" height="10"></td>

					<% End If %>
<input type="hidden" name="BunsyoSyuruiCD" value="<% = BunsyoSyuruiCD %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD" value="<% = SenpoBunsyoNaiyoCD %>">
<input type="hidden" name="SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD" value="<% = SenpoBunsyoSyuruiCD %>">

	<% If Request("Action") = "7" Then %>
	var pm;
	pm = -1;
	<% If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SC" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SS" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "SY" Or BunsyoSyuruiCD = "ZS" Then %>
	pm = 1;
	<% End If %>
	itemimg=[<% = SyohinGazoStr %>];

	function init(){
		defw = document.all.AreaLay.clientWidth + 50;
		mvlw = document.all.TruckLay.clientWidth + speed;
		if(pm == 1)start = defw;
		else start = -1 * mvlw;
		document.all.TruckLay.style.left = start;

	function moveLay(){
			if(count>itemnum){ return;}
		document.all.TruckLay.style.left = start - (xx * pm);

	if(itemnum >= 0)
<% End If %>

<% = HtmlFooter %>
End Sub