Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim FileName
FileName = "C:\sj4webetc\sj4dbmake\05-システム情報の更新.bat"

If fso.FileExists(FileName) = True Then

	With fso.GetFile(FileName).OpenAsTextStream
		buf = .ReadAll
	End With

	buf = Replace(buf, "SET ユーザー名 = '", "SET 予備あ = '")
	buf = Replace(buf, "'1.0.1.", "'1.")

	With fso.GetFile(FileName).OpenAsTextStream(2)
		.Write buf
	End With


End If

FileName = "D:\sj4webetc\sj4dbmake\05-システム情報の更新.bat"

If fso.FileExists(FileName) = True Then

	With fso.GetFile(FileName).OpenAsTextStream
		buf = .ReadAll
	End With

	buf = Replace(buf, "SET ユーザー名 = '", "SET 予備あ = '")
	buf = Replace(buf, "'1.0.1.", "'1.")

	With fso.GetFile(FileName).OpenAsTextStream(2)
		.Write buf
	End With


End If