Dim ShopAry
ReDim ShopAry(0)
If SelShop <> "" Then
ReDim PreServe ShopAry(UBound(ShopAry) + 1) '配列+1
ShopAry(UBound(ShopAry)) = SelShop
TmpShop = ""
Query = "exec SPF買い物かご取得 '" & VisitorYMDGet(GB_VisitorID) & "', " & VisitorIDGet(GB_VisitorID) & ", null"
Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
If LocalMode <> "1" Or GB_PracticeCD = "" & Content.Fields("演習CD") Then
If Content.Fields("ショップID") <> TmpShop Then
If "" & Content.Fields("ショップ公開フラグ") = "1" Or (Session("ECMallShopVisible") <> "" And LCase(Left("" & Content.Fields("ログインID"), Len(Session("ECMallShopVisible")))) = LCase(Session("ECMallShopVisible"))) Then
TmpShop = Content.Fields("ショップID")
ReDim PreServe ShopAry(UBound(ShopAry) + 1) '配列+1
ShopAry(UBound(ShopAry)) = Content.Fields("ショップID")
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Exit Sub
Dim SCnt
For SCnt = 1 To UBound(ShopAry)
If SelShop = "" Then
Set Content = QueryGetShop(ShopAry(SCnt), SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
<% = Content.Fields("名称") %>
End If
End If
Gokei = 0
Query = "exec SPF買い物かご取得 '" & VisitorYMDGet(GB_VisitorID) & "', " & VisitorIDGet(GB_VisitorID) & ", " & ShopAry(SCnt) & ""
Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
If Content.BOF Or Content.EOF Then
' Response.Redirect("" & HomeAliasSL & "shop.asp?SelShop=" & ShopAry(SCnt) & "") '0件になったら戻る
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
&Item=<% = Content.Fields("商品ID") %>"><% = Content.Fields("名称") %>
<% If Content.Fields("価格") = 0 Then %>
<% Else %>
¥<% = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("価格"), False, False) %>(<% If "" & Content.Fields("消費税フラグ") = "1" Then %>税込<% Else %>税別<% End If %>)
<% End If %>
<% = Spacer(3, 1) %>
I<% = Content.Fields("商品ID") %>" value="<% = Content.Fields("数量") %>" class="tb1416r" style="width:40px;" maxlength="3" onKeyup="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]+/,'');" onBlur="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9]+/,'');">
<% = Spacer(3, 1) %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("QtyBtn" & Content.Fields("ショップID") & "_" & Content.Fields("商品ID"), "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 32, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 24, "変更", "tx1416w", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart_bin.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "&Shop=" & Content.Fields("ショップID") & "&Item=" & Content.Fields("商品ID") & "&Qty='+form1.QtyS" & Content.Fields("ショップID") & "I" & Content.Fields("商品ID") & ".value+'&Mode=Change';") %>
小計 ¥<% = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("価格") * Content.Fields("数量"), False, False) %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("DeleteBtn" & Content.Fields("ショップID") & "_" & Content.Fields("商品ID"), "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 32, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 24, "削除", "tx1416w", "center", "if(confirm('" & Content.Fields("名称") & " を\n買い物かごから削除してよろしいですか? ')){location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart_bin.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "&Shop=" & Content.Fields("ショップID") & "&Item=" & Content.Fields("商品ID") & "&Mode=Delete';}") %>
Gokei = Gokei + Content.Fields("価格") * Content.Fields("数量")
' If Gokei > 0 Then
<% = ActionButton3Image("ReturnShopBtn" & ShopAry(SCnt), "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 102, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 24, "ショップに戻る", "tx1416w", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "shop.asp?SelShop=" & ShopAry(SCnt) & "';") %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("OrderBtn" & ShopAry(SCnt), "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 102, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 24, "注文手続に進む", "tx1416w", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "login.asp?SelShop=" & ShopAry(SCnt) & "';") %>
合計 ¥<% = ConvIntToMoney(Gokei, False, False) %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("AllDeleteBtn" & ShopAry(SCnt), "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 46, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 24, "全削除", "tx1416w", "center", "if(confirm('買い物かごの商品を全て削除してよろしいですか? ')){location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart_bin.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "&Shop=" & ShopAry(SCnt) & "&Mode=Clear';}") %>
' End If
End If
<% = ActionButton3Image("HistoryBtn", "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 62, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 24, "注文履歴", "tx1416w", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "history.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %>