If GB_UserAgent = "PC" Then 'スマフォ非表示
If Mode <> "News" And Mode <> "Courtesy" And Mode <> "Recruit" And Mode <> "Link" And Mode <> "Guide" And Mode <> "Contact" And Mode <> "Agree" And Mode <> "Copyright" And Mode <> "Privacy" Then
<% = Spacer(1, 1) %> |
<% = ActionButton3Image("GuideBtn", "images/shoplist_pl.png", "images/shoplist_pl_over.png", 4, "images/shoplist_pc.png", "images/shoplist_pc_over.png", 176, "images/shoplist_pr.png", "images/shoplist_pr_over.png", 4, 24, "ショッピングご利用方法", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Mode=Guide';") %>
<% = Spacer(1, 4) %> |
カテゴリでさがす |
<% = ActionButton3Image("CategoryLast", "images/btn02g.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, "最後に選択したカテゴリ", "tx1416", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?CatRet=1&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% If LCase(MallGakkoCD) <> "cuc" Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("CategoryKaihatsu", "images/btn02g.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, "生徒が開発した商品", "tx1416", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?CatRet=2&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
Dim DefFontSize
DefFontSize = 14
Dim FontSize
Query = " SELECT TMカテゴリ.* FROM TMカテゴリ ORDER BY TMカテゴリ.表示順 "
Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
If "" & Content.Fields("有効") = "1" Then
FontSize = DefFontSize
If "" & Content.Fields("文字サイズ") <> "" Then
FontSize = FontSize + Content.Fields("文字サイズ")
End If
<% If "" & Content.Fields("カテゴリID") = Cat And SubCat = "" Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Category" & Content.Fields("カテゴリID"), "images/btn02o.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content.Fields("名称"), "tx" & FontSize & (FontSize + 2), "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Cat=" & Content.Fields("カテゴリID") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% Else %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Category" & Content.Fields("カテゴリID"), "images/btn02g.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content.Fields("名称"), "tx" & FontSize & (FontSize + 2), "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Cat=" & Content.Fields("カテゴリID") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
If "" & Content.Fields("カテゴリID") = Cat Then
Query = "exec SPMサブカテゴリ取得 " & Content.Fields("カテゴリID") & ""
Set Content2 = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF)
If "" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ有効") = "1" Then
FontSize = DefFontSize
If "" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ文字サイズ") <> "" Then
FontSize = FontSize + Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ文字サイズ")
End If
<% If "" & Content2.Fields("カテゴリID") = Cat And "" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリID") = SubCat Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Category" & Content2.Fields("カテゴリID") & "Sub" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリID"), "images/btn03o.png", "images/btn03o.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 150, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ名称"), "tx" & FontSize & (FontSize + 2), "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Cat=" & Content2.Fields("カテゴリID") & "&SubCat=" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリID") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% Else %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Category" & Content2.Fields("カテゴリID") & "Sub" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリID"), "images/btn03g.png", "images/btn03o.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 150, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ名称"), "tx" & FontSize & (FontSize + 2), "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Cat=" & Content2.Fields("カテゴリID") & "&SubCat=" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリID") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
End If
End If
End If
<% If 0=1 Then %>
<% '地域でさがす機能は廃止 %>
地域でさがす |
Query = " SELECT * FROM TM地方 ORDER BY 地方CD "
Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
' If "" & Content.Fields("有効") = "1" Then
<% If "" & Content.Fields("地方CD") = Area And Pref = "" Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Area" & Content.Fields("地方CD"), "images/btn02o.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content.Fields("名称"), "tx1416", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content.Fields("地方CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% Else %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Area" & Content.Fields("地方CD"), "images/btn02b.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content.Fields("名称"), "tx1416", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content.Fields("地方CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
If "" & Content.Fields("地方CD") = Area Then
Query = " SELECT * FROM TM都道府県 WHERE 地方CD = " & Area & " ORDER BY 都道府県CD "
Set Content2 = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF)
' If "" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ有効") = "1" Then
<% If "" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") = Area And "" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD") = Pref Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Area" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "Pref" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD"), "images/btn03o.png", "images/btn03o.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 150, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content2.Fields("表示名称"), "tx1517", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "&Pref=" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% Else %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Area" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "Pref" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD"), "images/btn03b.png", "images/btn03o.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 150, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content2.Fields("表示名称"), "tx1517", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "&Pref=" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
' End If
End If
' End If
<% '地域でさがす機能は廃止 %>
<% End If %>
<% If 1=1 Then %>
<% If LCase(MallGakkoCD) <> "cuc" And LocalMode <> "1" Then %>
<% '姉妹はすねす %>
Dim TmpQuery
If "" & Session("ECMallShopVisible") <> "" Then
If "" & TmpQuery <> "" Then
TmpQuery = TmpQuery & "&"
TmpQuery = TmpQuery & "?"
End If
TmpQuery = TmpQuery & "visible=" & Session("ECMallShopVisible")
End If
姉妹はすねす |
<% If LCase(GB_HostName) <> "hsns" Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("Gakkohsns", "images/btn02b.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, "全国はすねす", "tx1416", "left", "location.href='http://hsns.sfc-jpn.jp" & TmpQuery & "';") %>
<% End If %>
ReDim GakkoHostAry(0)
ReDim GakkoTitleAry(0)
Query = ""
Query = Query & " SELECT TM学校.* "
Query = Query & " FROM TM学校 "
Query = Query & " WHERE TM学校.都道府県CD > 0 "
Query = Query & " AND TM学校.ホスト名 <> '" & GB_HostName & "' "
Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
If "" & Content.Fields("公開") = "1" Or LCase(Content.Fields("学校CD")) = LCase(Session("ECMallShopVisible")) Then
ReDim PreServe GakkoHostAry(UBound(GakkoHostAry) + 1) '配列+1
ReDim PreServe GakkoTitleAry(UBound(GakkoTitleAry) + 1) '配列+1
GakkoHostAry(UBound(GakkoHostAry)) = Content.Fields("ホスト名")
GakkoTitleAry(UBound(GakkoTitleAry)) = Content.Fields("名称")
End If
GakkoAryCnt = UBound(GakkoHostAry)
Do While GakkoAryCnt > 0
RndGakkoNo = Int((GakkoAryCnt * Rnd) + 1) '1〜最大配列数の数値を生成(Fix関数では正しく処理されない?)
Dim TmpTextSize
TmpTextSize = "tx1416"
If Len(GakkoTitleAry(RndGakkoNo)) > 13 Then
TmpTextSize = "tx1113"
ElseIf Len(GakkoTitleAry(RndGakkoNo)) > 11 Then
TmpTextSize = "tx1214"
End If
<% = ActionButton3Image("Gakko" & Replace(GakkoHostAry(RndGakkoNo), "-", "hyphen"), "images/btn02b.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, GakkoTitleAry(RndGakkoNo), TmpTextSize, "left", "location.href='http://" & GakkoHostAry(RndGakkoNo) & ".hsns.sfc-jpn.jp" & TmpQuery & "';") %>
For GCnt = RndGakkoNo + 1 to GakkoAryCnt
GakkoHostAry(GCnt - 1) = GakkoHostAry(GCnt)
GakkoTitleAry(GCnt - 1) = GakkoTitleAry(GCnt)
GakkoAryCnt = GakkoAryCnt - 1
<% '姉妹はすねす %>
<% End If %>
<% End If %>
<% If 0=1 Then %>
<% '地方単位の表示(まだ作ってない) %>
姉妹はすねす |
Query = ""
Query = Query & " SELECT TM地方.* "
Query = Query & " FROM TM地方 "
Query = Query & " INNER JOIN TM都道府県 "
Query = Query & " ON TM地方.地方CD = TM都道府県.地方CD "
Query = Query & " INNER JOIN TM学校 "
Query = Query & " ON TM都道府県.都道府県CD = TM学校.都道府県CD "
Query = Query & " WHERE TM都道府県.都道府県CD > 0 "
Query = Query & " AND TM学校.ホスト名 <> '" & GB_HostName & "' "
Query = Query & " ORDER BY TM地方.地方CD "
Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
' If "" & Content.Fields("有効") = "1" Then
<% If "" & Content.Fields("地方CD") = Area And Pref = "" Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("GakkoArea" & Content.Fields("地方CD"), "images/btn02o.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content.Fields("名称"), "tx1416", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content.Fields("地方CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% Else %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("GakkoArea" & Content.Fields("地方CD"), "images/btn02b.png", "images/btn02o.png", 20, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 160, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content.Fields("名称"), "tx1416", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content.Fields("地方CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
If "" & Content.Fields("地方CD") = Area Then
Query = " SELECT * FROM TM学校 WHERE 地方CD = " & Area & " ORDER BY 都道府県CD AND タイトル " '此処はランダムが良いか
Set Content2 = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass)
Do While Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF)
' If "" & Content2.Fields("サブカテゴリ有効") = "1" Then
<% If "" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") = Area And "" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD") = Pref Then %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("GakkoArea" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "Pref" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD"), "images/btn03o.png", "images/btn03o.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 150, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content2.Fields("表示名称"), "tx1517", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "&Pref=" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% Else %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("GakkoArea" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "Pref" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD"), "images/btn03b.png", "images/btn03o.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 150, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 20, Content2.Fields("表示名称"), "tx1517", "left", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Area=" & Content2.Fields("地方CD") & "&Pref=" & Content2.Fields("都道府県CD") & "&Order=" & Order & "';") %>
<% End If %>
' End If
End If
' End If
<% '地方単位の表示(まだ作ってない) %>
<% End If %>
<% = Spacer(1, 4) %> |
<% = ActionButton3Image("ShopListBtn", "images/shoplist_pl.png", "images/shoplist_pl_over.png", 4, "images/shoplist_pc.png", "images/shoplist_pc_over.png", 176, "images/shoplist_pr.png", "images/shoplist_pr_over.png", 4, 24, "ショップ一覧", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Shoplist=1';") %>
<% = Spacer(1, 3) %> |
<% = ActionButton3Image("MallTopBtn", "images/shoplist_pl.png", "images/shoplist_pl_over.png", 4, "images/shoplist_pc.png", "images/shoplist_pc_over.png", 176, "images/shoplist_pr.png", "images/shoplist_pr_over.png", 4, 24, "モールTop", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "';") %>
<% = Spacer(1, 4) %> |
If LCase(GB_HostName) = "hsns" Then
If MallSchool = "" Then
MallSchool = "images/bunner_sfc_90.png"
MallLink = "http://www.sfc-jpn.jp"
End If
End If
<% If MallSchool <> "" Then %>
 "" Then %> style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="window.open('<% = MallLink %>');"<% End If %>>
<% Else %>
"" Then %> style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="window.open('<% = MallLink %>');"<% End If %>>
<% = MallGakko %> |
<% End If %>
<% = ActionButton3Image("PageTopBtn1", "images/btn01bl.png", "images/btn01bl_o.png", 4, "images/btn01bc.png", "images/btn01bc_o.png", 88, "images/btn01br.png", "images/btn01br_o.png", 4, 25, "ページトップへ", "tx1214w", "center", "window.location.hash='PageTopAnchor';") %>
End If
<% End If %>