<% 'グローバル変数 Dim SelShop SelShop = Request("SelShop") '選択ショップ Dim Shop Shop = Request("Shop") 'こっちは処理対象ショップ '↑全ての買い物かごを表示している状態で買い物かごを操作する場合 '↑「選択ショップ無し」「処理対象ショップ有り」になるので区別する必要がある。 Dim Mode Mode = Request("Mode") Dim Cat Cat = Request("Cat") Dim SubCat SubCat = Request("SubCat") Dim CatRet CatRet = Request("CatRet") Dim Area Area = Request("Area") Dim Pref Pref = Request("Pref") Dim Item Item = Request("Item") Dim TopImage TopImage = Request("TopImage") '商品詳細でトップ画像を表示しないフラグ 'トップメニューレベルで必要な処理 If Cat = "CatRet1" Then Cat = "" CatRet = "1" ElseIf Cat = "CatRet2" Then Cat = "" CatRet = "2" End If If CatRet = "1" Then '最終選択カテゴリ復元 Query = "exec SPMビジター取得 '" & VisitorYMDGet(GB_VisitorID) & "', " & VisitorIDGet(GB_VisitorID) & " " Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then If "" & Content.Fields("最終選択カテゴリ") <> "" Then Cat = "" & Content.Fields("最終選択カテゴリ") If "" & Content.Fields("最終選択サブカテゴリ") <> "" Then SubCat = "" & Content.Fields("最終選択サブカテゴリ") End If End If End If ElseIf CatRet = "2" Then '生徒が開発した商品(ダミーカテゴリIDを設定) Cat = "9999999" SubCat = "9999999" Else If Cat <> "" Then '最終選択カテゴリ保存 Query = "exec SPMビジター最終選択カテゴリ更新 '" & VisitorYMDGet(GB_VisitorID) & "', " & VisitorIDGet(GB_VisitorID) & ", " & Cat & " " If SubCat <> "" Then Query = Query & ", " & SubCat & "" Else Query = Query & ", null" End If Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass) End If End If '学校モール設定取得 Dim MallGakkoCD MallGakkoCD = "" Dim MallGakko MallGakko = "全国の高校" Dim MallName MallName = AppTitle Dim MallImage MallImage = "images/schoolicon_image.png" 'デフォルト画像 Dim MallLink MallLink = "" Dim MallSchool MallSchool = "" Dim MallNewTopic MallNewTopic = 1 '表示 Dim MallBanner MallBanner = 2 '全国のショップ Dim MallOsusume MallOsusume = 2 '全国の商品 Dim MallNewItem MallNewItem = 2 '全国の商品 Dim MallItemList MallItemList = 2 '全国の商品 Dim MallItemSort MallItemSort = 0 '更新日の新しい順 Dim MallShopList MallShopList = 2 '全国のショップ 'GB_HostName = "nonosho" 'GB_HostName = "cuc" ' If GB_HostName <> "hsns" Then Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT * FROM TM学校 WHERE ホスト名 = '" & GB_HostName & "' " Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then ' If GB_HostName <> "hsns" And "" & Content.Fields("学校CD") <> "" Then If "" & Content.Fields("公開") <> "1" And "" & LCase(Session("ECMallShopVisible")) <> "" & LCase(Content.Fields("学校CD")) Then Response.Write("メンテナンス中") Exit Sub End If If "" & Content.Fields("学校CD") <> "" Then MallGakkoCD = "" & Content.Fields("学校CD") End If ' MallGakkoCD = "hsns" If "" & Content.Fields("名称") <> "" Then MallGakko = "" & Content.Fields("名称") End If If "" & Content.Fields("タイトル") <> "" Then MallName = "" & Content.Fields("タイトル") End If If "" & Content.Fields("画像Image") <> "" Then MallImage = HomeAliasSL & SchoolIconFolderSL & Content.Fields("学校CD") & "/" & Content.Fields("画像Image") End If If "" & Content.Fields("学校リンク") <> "" Then MallLink = "" & Content.Fields("学校リンク") End If If "" & Content.Fields("画像School") <> "" Then MallSchool = HomeAliasSL & SchoolIconFolderSL & Content.Fields("学校CD") & "/" & Content.Fields("画像School") End If If "" & Content.Fields("最新トピック表示") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("最新トピック表示")) Then MallNewTopic = CInt(Content.Fields("最新トピック表示")) End If If "" & Content.Fields("バナー広告表示") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("バナー広告表示")) Then MallBanner = CInt(Content.Fields("バナー広告表示")) End If If "" & Content.Fields("おすすめ商品表示") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("おすすめ商品表示")) Then MallOsusume = CInt(Content.Fields("おすすめ商品表示")) End If If "" & Content.Fields("新着商品表示") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("新着商品表示")) Then MallNewItem = CInt(Content.Fields("新着商品表示")) End If If "" & Content.Fields("商品表示") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("商品表示")) Then MallItemList = CInt(Content.Fields("商品表示")) End If If "" & Content.Fields("商品初期ソート") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("商品初期ソート")) Then MallItemSort = CInt(Content.Fields("商品初期ソート")) End If If "" & Content.Fields("ショップ一覧表示") <> "" And IsNumeric(Content.Fields("ショップ一覧表示")) Then MallShopList = CInt(Content.Fields("ショップ一覧表示")) End If End If ' End If Dim TmpMallGakkoCD 'トグル用 'ショップナビバー画像 Dim ShopName Dim ShopImage Dim ShopBunner Dim IconTop Dim IconItem Dim IconTransPay Dim IconMailOrderLaw If SelShop <> "" Then Set Content = QueryGetShop(SelShop, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then ShopName = "" & Content.Fields("名称") MallName = ShopName 'タイトルをショップ名にする ShopImage = "" & Content.Fields("画像Image") ShopBunner = "" & Content.Fields("画像Bunner") IconTop = "" & Content.Fields("画像Top") IconItem = "" & Content.Fields("画像Item") IconTransPay = "" & Content.Fields("画像TransPay") IconMailOrderLaw = "" & Content.Fields("画像MailOrderLaw") End If End If If ShopImage <> "" Then ShopImage = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & SelShop & "/" & ShopImage End If If ShopBunner <> "" Then ShopBunner = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & SelShop & "/" & ShopBunner End If If IconTop <> "" Then IconTop = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & SelShop & "/" & IconTop Else IconTop = HomeAliasSL & "images/shopicon_top.png" End If If IconItem <> "" Then IconItem = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & SelShop & "/" & IconItem Else IconItem = HomeAliasSL & "images/shopicon_item.png" End If If IconTransPay <> "" Then IconTransPay = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & SelShop & "/" & IconTransPay Else IconTransPay = HomeAliasSL & "images/shopicon_transpay.png" End If If IconMailOrderLaw <> "" Then IconMailOrderLaw = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & SelShop & "/" & IconMailOrderLaw Else IconMailOrderLaw = HomeAliasSL & "images/shopicon_mailorderlaw.png" End If If LocalMode = "1" Then WidthAll = WidthAll - 72 End If Dim PracticeName If GB_PracticeCD <> "" Then Query = "" Query = Query & " " Query = Query & " SELECT * " Query = Query & " FROM TM演習 " Query = Query & " WHERE 演習CD = '" & GB_PracticeCD & "' " Query = Query & " ORDER BY 表示順 " Set Content = SQLQuery(Query, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then PracticeName = "" & Content.Fields("名称") End If End If %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <% If GB_UserAgent <> "PC" Then %> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=<% = WidthAll %>"> <% End If %> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=shift_jis"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"> <meta name="description" content="<% = MallGakko %>生が創るオンラインショッピングモールです。商品開発・マーケティング・電子商取引の実践学習や課題研究に幅広く活用されています。"> <meta name="keywords" content="オンラインショッピングモール,ショッピングモール,商品開発,マーケティング,電子商取引,スーパー電商くん,はすねす,hsns,hasunesu,EC,FES,SFC"> <link href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>include.css?<% = Uniq %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="<% = HomeAliasSL %>javascript.js?<% = Uniq %>"></script> <TITLE><% = MallName %></TITLE> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <center> <!-- Dummy Reload(FireFoxではSPANタグ内に改行コードを含めると実体改行されるので注意!)--> <span style="width:0px;height:0px" id="PageTopAnchor"><IFRAME name="HtmlDummyFrame" SRC="<% = HomeAliasSL %>include_dummy.asp" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="0" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 NORESIZE SCROLLING=no></IFRAME></span> <% If LocalMode = "1" And (GB_VisitorID = "" Or GB_PracticeCD = "") Then %> <% Else %> <!-- Top Menu Start --> <table border="0" width="<% = WidthAll %>" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tx1416"> <% If SelShop = "" Then 'トップメニュー %> <tr> <td align="<% If GB_UserAgent = "PC" Then %>left<% Else %>center<% End If %>"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tx1416"> <tr> <td width="4"><% = Spacer(4, 1) %></td> <% If GB_UserAgent = "PC" Then %> <td width="60" align="left"><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>"><img src="<% = MallImage %>" border="0" width="240" height="60" alt="<% = MallName %>"></a></td> <% End If %> <% If 0=1 And ShopBunner <> "" Then %> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>"><img src="<% = ShopBunner %>" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="<% = ShopName %>"></a></td> <% ElseIf SelShop <> "" Then %> <td class="tx2830" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa;" width="466" height="58" align="center" valign="middle"><% = ShopName %></td> <% Else %> <% 'ランダムバナー Dim BannerCnt BannerCnt = 0 Dim RndNo RndNo = 0 Dim ShopCDAry Dim BunnerAry ReDim ShopCDAry(0) ReDim BunnerAry(0) TmpMallGakkoCD = "" If MallBanner = 1 Then TmpMallGakkoCD = MallGakkoCD End If 'response.write(TmpMallGakkoCD) Set Content = QueryGetShop(TmpMallGakkoCD, SQLServer, DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePass) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) If "" & Content.Fields("画像Bunner") <> "" Then '前回表示バナーも除外せずにカウントする BannerCnt = BannerCnt + 1 'バナーが複数設定されている場合は前回表示したバナー番号を除外する If "" & Session("ECMallRandomBunner") <> "" & Content.Fields("ショップID") Then 'バナー画像が存在するショップのみ配列化 ReDim PreServe ShopCDAry(UBound(ShopCDAry) + 1) '配列+1 ReDim PreServe BunnerAry(UBound(BunnerAry) + 1) '配列+1 ShopCDAry(UBound(ShopCDAry)) = Content.Fields("ショップID") BunnerAry(UBound(BunnerAry)) = Content.Fields("画像Bunner") End If End If Content.MoveNext Loop If UBound(ShopCDAry) > 0 Then Randomize RndNo = Int((UBound(ShopCDAry) * Rnd) + 1) '1~最大配列数の数値を生成(Fix関数では正しく処理されない?) %> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = ShopCDAry(RndNo) %>"><img src="<% = HomeAliasSL & IconFolderSL & ShopCDAry(RndNo) & "/" & BunnerAry(RndNo) %>" border="0" width="468" height="60" alt="<% = ShopName %>"></a></td> <% If BannerCnt > 1 Then 'バナーが複数設定されている場合は表示したバナー番号を次回除外する Session("ECMallRandomBunner") = "" & ShopCDAry(RndNo) End If End If %> <% End If %> </tr> </table> </td> <% If GB_UserAgent <> "PC" Then %> </tr> </table> <table border="0" width="<% = WidthAll %>" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" class="tx1416"> <tr> <td><% = Spacer(1, 7) %></td> </tr> <tr> <td><% = Spacer(5, 1) %></td> <td width="65" align="left"><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>"><img src="<% = MallImage %>" border="0" width="240" height="60" alt="<% = MallName %>"></a></td> <% End If %> <td align="right"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tx1416"> <tr> <% If LocalMode <> "1" Then %> <td align="right"> </td> <td align="right"> </td> <td align="right"> <% = ActionButton3Image("KanriBtn", "images/kanri.png", "images/kanri_o.png", 21, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 40, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 5, 20, "管 理", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "adminlogin.asp';") %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><% = Spacer(1, 4) %></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <% = ActionButton3Image("CartBtn", "images/cart.png", "images/cart_o.png", 24, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 73, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 5, 20, "買い物かご", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %> </td> <td><% = Spacer(7, 1) %></td> <td align="right"> <% = ActionButton3Image("NewsBtn", "images/newstopics.png", "images/newstopics_over.png", 21, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 87, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 5, 20, "NewsTopics", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "?Mode=News';") %> </td> <% Else %> <td align="right" colspan="3" class="tx1214"> <% = PracticeName %> </td> <tr> <td><% = Spacer(1, 4) %></td> </tr> <td align="right"> <% = ActionButton3Image("CartBtn", "images/cart.png", "images/cart_o.png", 24, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 73, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 5, 20, "買い物かご", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %> </td> <td><% = Spacer(7, 1) %></td> <td align="right"> <% = ActionButton3Image("KanriBtn", "images/kanri.png", "images/kanri_o.png", 21, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 40, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 5, 20, "管 理", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "adminlogin.asp';") %> </td> <% End If %> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <% End If %> <% If SelShop <> "" Then 'ショップナビバー %> <!-- Shop Menu Start --> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table id="ShopNaviBar" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <% 'If TopImage <> "0" And Item <> "" And IsNumeric(Item) And ShopImage <> "" Then 'ショップイメージ %> <% 'If ShopImage <> "" And (Item <> "" Or Mode <> "" Or InStr(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")), "cart.asp") > 0 Or InStr(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")), "login.asp") > 0 Or InStr(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")), "order.asp") > 0 Or InStr(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")), "mail.asp") > 0) Then 'ショップイメージ %> <% If ShopImage <> "" Then 'ショップイメージ %> <% 'JavaScriptでのメニュー高さ取得に失敗するのでここで画像サイズを取得し固定する If GB_UserAgent = "PC" Then Call ImageSize(ShopImage) Else 'スマフォ用は横幅固定 ImageWidth = WidthAll End If %> <tr> <td align="center"><img src="<% = ShopImage %>" width="<% = ImageWidth %>"<% If GB_UserAgent <> "PC" Then %> height="<% = ImageHeight %>"<% End If %> border="0" alt="<% = ShopName %>"></td> </tr> <% ElseIf Item <> "" Or Mode <> "" Then %> <tr> <td align="center"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="tx2830" style="border:1px solid #aaaaaa;" width="466" height="58" align="center" valign="middle"><% = ShopName %></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <% End If %> <tr> <td align="center"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" class="tx1416"> <tr> <% If GB_UserAgent = "PC" Then %> <td><% = ActionButton3Image("ReturnNaviBar", "images/naviber_mallback.png", "images/naviber_mallback_over.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 62, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 40, "モールに<br>戻る", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "';") %></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>"><img src="<% = IconTop %>" height="40" border="0" alt="店舗TOP"></a></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>&Item=All"><img src="<% = IconItem %>" height="40" border="0" alt="商品一覧"></a></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>&Mode=transpay"><img src="<% = IconTransPay %>" height="40" border="0" alt="お支払方法・送料について"></a></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>&Mode=mailorderlaw"><img src="<% = IconMailOrderLaw %>" height="40" border="0" alt="特定商取引法に基づく表示"></a></td> <td><% = ActionButton3Image("CurtNaviBar", "images/naviber_cart.png", "images/naviber_cart_over.png", 38, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 48, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 40, "買い物<br>かご", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %></td> <td><% = ActionButton3Image("MailNaviBar", "images/naviber_envelope.png", "images/naviber_envelope_over.png", 42, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 62, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 40, "お問合せ", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "mail.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %></td> <% Else %> <td><% = ActionButton3Image("ReturnNaviBar", "images/naviber_mallback.png", "images/naviber_mallback_over.png", 30, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 62, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 40, "モールに<br>戻る", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "';") %></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>"><img src="<% = IconTop %>" height="40" border="0" alt="店舗TOP"></a></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>&Item=All"><img src="<% = IconItem %>" height="40" border="0" alt="商品一覧"></a></td> <td><% = ActionButton3Image("MailNaviBar", "images/naviber_envelope.png", "images/naviber_envelope_over.png", 42, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 62, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 40, "お問合せ", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "mail.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>&Mode=transpay"><img src="<% = IconTransPay %>" height="40" border="0" alt="お支払方法・送料について"></a></td> <td><a href="<% = HomeAliasSL %>shop.asp?SelShop=<% = SelShop %>&Mode=mailorderlaw"><img src="<% = IconMailOrderLaw %>" height="40" border="0" alt="特定商取引法に基づく表示"></a></td> <td><% = ActionButton3Image("CurtNaviBar", "images/naviber_cart.png", "images/naviber_cart_over.png", 38, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 48, "images/spacer.gif", "images/spacer.gif", 0, 40, "買い物<br>かご", "tx1416", "center", "location.href='" & HomeAliasSL & "cart.asp?SelShop=" & SelShop & "';") %></td> <% End If %> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <!-- Shop Menu End --> <% End If %> </table> <!-- Top Menu End --> <% End If %>