<!-- #include file="../../../include.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../../user/bk/denpyo/fk_nyukinsyukin_view_main_in.asp" -->
'	名称	:入金・出金伝票照会
'	作成日:2002/8/25
'	作成者:川崎
'	目的 :入金・出金伝票画面を表示する。
'	概要	:
'	 <<表示>>
'	・伝票番号の伝票を表示


Sub main()
	Dim DenpyoNo, Torihikibi, DenpyoTekiyo
	Dim PageType
	Dim KanjyoCD(10)
	Dim Kanjyomei(10)
	Dim Kingaku(10)
	Dim TekiyoCD(10)
	Dim Tekiyo(10)
	Dim Gokei,i

	Dim Query
	Dim Content
	Dim Genkin, Toza
	Dim GakuseiShimei
	Dim SakujyoFlg
	Dim DenpyoKubun

	DenpyoNo = Request("DenpyoNo")
	PageType = Request("PageType")

	Dim RouteType
	RouteType = Request("RouteType")

	Dim ShowDel
	ShowDel = Request("ShowDel")

	Genkin = 0
	Toza = 0
	Gokei = 0
	SakujyoFlg = 0

	Dim Title, SenColor
	If PageType = "Nyukin" Then
		Title = "入金伝票"
		SenColor = "#FF2211"	'赤
		DenpyoKubun = "D1"
		Title = "出金伝票"
		SenColor = "#1133FF"	'青
		DenpyoKubun = "D2"
	End If

	If DenpyoNo <> "" Then

		'///////	1.「伝票」ヘッダ部・明細部のデータを取得。
		If PageType = "Nyukin" Then
			Query = "exec SPK伝票_入金伝票取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & DenpyoNo & "'"
			Query = "exec SPK伝票_出金伝票取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & DenpyoNo & "'"
		End If

		Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

		If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then

			Torihikibi = Content.Fields("取引日")
			DenpyoTekiyo = Content.Fields("伝票摘要")
			SakujyoFlg = Content.Fields("削除フラグ")
			GakuseiShimei = Content.Fields("氏名")

			i = 0
			Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
				Dim DenpyoSEQ
				DenpyoSEQ = Content.Fields("伝票SEQ")

				If Content.Fields("特別勘定区分") <> "DA" Then

					i = i + 1
					KanjyoCD(i) = Content.Fields("勘定CD")
					Kanjyomei(i) = ConvKanjyoMeisyo(Content.Fields("勘定CD"))
					If PageType = "Nyukin" Then
						Kingaku(i) = Content.Fields("貸方金額")
						Gokei = Gokei + Content.Fields("貸方金額")
						Kingaku(i) = Content.Fields("借方金額")
						Gokei = Gokei + Content.Fields("借方金額")
					End If

					Tekiyo(i) = Content.Fields("摘要")
					TekiyoCD(i) = Content.Fields("摘要CD")

				End if
		End If
	End If

	Dim NextDenpyoNo, PrevDenpyoNo

	Query = "exec SPK伝票次番号 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & DenpyoKubun & "', '1', '" & Torihikibi & "', '" & DenpyoNo & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		NextDenpyoNo = Content.Fields("伝票番号")
	End If

	Query = "exec SPK伝票前番号 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & KaisyaCD & "', '" & DenpyoKubun & "', '1', '" & Torihikibi & "', '" & DenpyoNo & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		PrevDenpyoNo = Content.Fields("伝票番号")
	End If

	Dim NextTitle, NextCmd, PrevTitle, PrevCmd
	If NextDenpyoNo <> "" Then
		NextTitle = "次へ"
		NextCmd = "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/denpyo/fk_nyukinsyukin_view.asp?PageType=" & PageType & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&DenpyoNo=" & NextDenpyoNo & "&ShowDel=" & ShowDel & "')"
	End If
	If PrevDenpyoNo <> "" Then
		PrevTitle = "前へ"
		PrevCmd = "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/denpyo/fk_nyukinsyukin_view.asp?PageType=" & PageType & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&DenpyoNo=" & PrevDenpyoNo & "&ShowDel=" & ShowDel & "')"
	End If

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		Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", "経理部", "", "伝票", "", Title, "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf PackageMode = 1 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("メインメニュー" ,"tblbtn('/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_cyac.asp')", "伝票", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s11.asp')", Title, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))
	ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "Hakushi") > 0 Then
		Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "社長室・総務部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s4.asp')", "白紙帳票", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s42.asp')", Title, "", "", ""))
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		Response.Write(HttpL3_2("一覧表示", "tblbtn( 'fk_nyukinsyukin_ichiran.asp?DenpyoNo=" & DenpyoNo & "&RouteType=" & RouteType & "&PageType=" & PageType & "&ShowDel=" & ShowDel & "')", PrevTitle, PrevCmd, NextTitle, NextCmd, "", "", "", ""))
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		Response.Write(HttpL4(Title, ""))
		Response.Write(HttpL4(Title, "照会"))
	End If


<div id="L0" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; left: 0px; top: -2000px;">
Dim AutoFlg
If RouteType = "Hakushi" Then
	AutoFlg = -1
	AutoFlg = 0
End If
<% = DenpyoNyusyukin(EnshuCD, KaisyaCD, KaisyaCD, DenpyoKubun, DenpyoNo, AutoFlg, 0) %>

function SakujyoBtn() {
	if (confirm("この操作は元に戻す事が出来ません。\r\n削除をしてもよろしいですか?")) {
		tblbtn('/<% = HomeAlias %>/user/bk/denpyo/fk_nyukinsyukin_bin.asp?PageType=<% = PageType %>&DenpyoNo=<% = DenpyoNo %>&BinType=Del&ShowDel=<% = ShowDel %>');
<% = HtmlFooter %>
End Sub