<!-- #include file="../../include.asp" -->

'	 名称	:ユーザー一括更新
'	 作成日	:2007/3/20
'	 作成者	:小野
'	 目的	:ユーザーを一括更新・追加する。
'	 概要	:
'		<<表示>>
'	<<入力チェック>>
'	・NULLチェック
'	修正:
Sub main()
	If Not(SessionCheck()) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

	Dim Sheet
	Sheet = Request("Sheet")
	Dim ExcelDir
	ExcelDir = Request("ExcelDir")
	Dim FileName
	FileName = Request("FileName")
	Dim Header
	Header = Request("Header")
	Dim GroupCD
	GroupCD = Request("GroupCD")

	Dim RouteType
	RouteType = Request("RouteType")
	Dim Url 
	Url = Request.ServerVariables("URL")

	Dim db
	Set db = InitQuery()

	Dim ExcelConnection
	Dim Query
	Dim Content
	Dim Content2
	Dim rs

	ExcelConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(ExcelDir) & "\" & FileName & ";Extended Properties="
	If Header = "ON" Then
		ExcelConnection = ExcelConnection & "Excel 8.0;"
		ExcelConnection = ExcelConnection & "'Excel 8.0;HDR=NO'"
	End If
'	ExcelConnection = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(ExcelDir) & "\" & FileName & ";"	
	Query = "select * from [" & Sheet & "]"

	Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	rs.ConnectionTimeout = 60
	rs.CommandTimeout    = 60
	rs.Open ExcelConnection

	Set Content = rs.Execute(Query)

	'	Nothingであれば正しく「フィールド無し」の結果が返っているのでループ内処理を行わなず次へ。
	'	Nothingでない場合は (1)正しくフィールド結果が返っている (2)まだ結果が返っていない の2パターンがあり得るので
	'	(1)であればその時点でループを抜け、(2)の場合は念のためNextRecordSet()を発行してからループ先頭に戻る。
	Do While Not Content Is Nothing
		If Content.Fields.Count > 0 Then
			Exit Do
		End If
		Set Content = Content.NextRecordSet()

	Dim TmpRow
	ReDim TmpRow(0)	'(0)は予備配列として実際の処理では捨てる
	TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) = ""
	Dim ii
	Dim jj
	Dim bCheck
	bCheck = 3
	Dim TmpValue
	Dim TmpValue2
	Dim TmpContent(5)

	Do While Not(Content.EOF Or Content.BOF)
		TmpContent(0) = ConvProhiStr("" & Content(0))
		TmpContent(1) = ConvProhiStr("" & Content(1))
		TmpContent(2) = ConvProhiStr("" & Content(2))
		If Content.Fields.Count > 3 Then
			TmpContent(3) = ConvProhiStr("" & Content(3))
		End If
'		TmpContent(4) = ConvProhiStr("" & Content(4))
		bCheck = "true"
		For ii = 0 to 3
			If ii <> 2 And ii <> 3 And ("" & TmpContent(ii) = "" Or "" & TmpContent(ii) = " " Or "" & TmpContent(ii) = " ") Then	'バッドエントリ
				bCheck = 0
				Exit For
			End If
			If ii = 0 Then
				TmpValue2 = "" & TmpContent(ii)
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "a","")	'ユーザーID不正文字
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "b","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "c","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "d","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "e","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "f","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "g","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "h","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "i","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "j","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "k","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "l","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "m","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "n","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "o","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "p","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "q","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "r","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "s","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "t","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "u","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "v","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "w","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "x","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "y","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "z","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "A","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "B","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "C","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "D","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "E","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "F","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "G","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "H","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "I","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "J","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "K","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "L","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "M","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "N","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "O","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "P","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "Q","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "R","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "S","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "T","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "U","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "V","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "W","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "X","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "Y","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "Z","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "0","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "1","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "2","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "3","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "4","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "5","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "6","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "7","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "8","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "9","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "-","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "_","")
				If TmpValue2 <> "" Then
					bCheck = 3
					Exit For
				End If
				If Len("" & TmpContent(ii)) > 12 Then	'ユーザーID文字数オーバー
					bCheck = 4
					Exit For
				End If
				For jj = 1 To UBound(TmpRow)
					If UCase("" & TmpContent(ii)) =  UCase(Left(TmpRow(jj), InStr(TmpRow(jj), ",") - 1)) Then	'リスト内ユーザーID重複
						bCheck = 2
						Exit For
					End If
				Query = "exec SPMユーザー取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "', '" & TmpContent(ii) & "'"
				Set Content2 = OpenQuery(Query)
				If Not(Content2.BOF Or Content2.EOF) Then	'ユーザーID重複
					bCheck = 1
					Exit For
				End If
			End If
			If ii = 1 Then
				If Len("" & TmpContent(ii)) > 9 Then	'氏名文字数オーバー
					bCheck = 5
					Exit For
				End If
			End If
			If ii = 2 Then
				If AscLen("" & TmpContent(ii)) > 8 Then	'略氏名文字数オーバー
					bCheck = 6
					Exit For
				End If
			End If
			If ii = 3 Then
				TmpValue2 = "" & TmpContent(ii)
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "a","")	'パスワード不正文字
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "b","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "c","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "d","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "e","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "f","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "g","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "h","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "i","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "j","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "k","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "l","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "m","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "n","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "o","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "p","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "q","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "r","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "s","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "t","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "u","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "v","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "w","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "x","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "y","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "z","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "A","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "B","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "C","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "D","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "E","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "F","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "G","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "H","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "I","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "J","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "K","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "L","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "M","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "N","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "O","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "P","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "Q","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "R","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "S","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "T","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "U","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "V","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "W","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "X","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "Y","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "Z","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "0","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "1","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "2","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "3","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "4","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "5","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "6","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "7","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "8","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "9","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "-","")
				TmpValue2 = Replace(TmpValue2, "_","")
				If TmpValue2 <> "" Then
					bCheck = 7
					Exit For
				End If
				If Len("" & TmpContent(ii)) > 12 Then	'パスワード文字数オーバー
					bCheck = 8
					Exit For
				End If
			End If
		If bCheck = "true" Then
			ReDim PreServe TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow) + 1)	'配列を追加
			TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) = ""
			For ii = 0 to 3
				If TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) <> "" Then
					TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) = TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) & ","
				End If
				TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) = TmpRow(UBound(TmpRow)) & Replace("" & TmpContent(ii), ",", ",")
		End If

	Dim TmpCol
	Dim Query2

	For ii = 1 To UBound(TmpRow)
		TmpCol = Split(TmpRow(ii), ",")
		Query = "exec SPMユーザー更新 '" & GB_SystemCD & "', 1"
		Query = Query & ", '" & TmpCol(0) & "'"
		Query = Query & ", '" & TmpCol(1) & "'"
		Query = Query & ", '" & TmpCol(2) & "'"
		Query = Query & ", '" & TmpCol(3) & "'"
		Query = Query & ", '" & GroupCD & "'"
	   	Set Content = ExecQuery(db, Query)

	Response.Redirect(Replace(Url, "excel_bin", "ikkatsu") & "?Excel=Excel")

End Sub