<% If GB_Admin = 2 Then %>
<% End If %>
<% 'PackageMode = "1" %>
<% 'TaxRateSelection = 1 %>
<% If PackageMode = "1" Then %>
<% = Title %>CD
<% = Title %>名称
<% = Title %>略名称
<% If MHMSTDSELLPRICE <> "" Then Response.Write(MHMSTDSELLPRICE) Else Response.Write("標準販売単価") End If %>
<% If ShohizeiMode = 1 Then %>
<% End If %>
<% Else %>
<% If PageType <> "Original" And PageType <> "SeizoBu" Then %>
Query = "exec SPM市場一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'"
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
Response.Write("" & Content.Fields("市場名称") & " " & vbCrLf)
<% End If %>
<% End If %>
Dim ImageFile, Tani
Dim Lot
Dim SyohinCD, Shohinmei , ShohinRyakumei '商品コード、商品名称、商品略名称
Dim HanbaiTanka , ShireTnanka , UnsoTanka '標準販売単価、標準仕入単価、運送費単価
Dim SokoryoTanka , Jyuryo , Yoseki '倉庫料単価、重量、容積
Dim Bikou '備考
Dim ShijyoCD, SyoyuKaisyaRyakuMeisyo, SyoyuKaisyaCD '市場コード、所有会社略名、所有会社コード
Dim TaxRate
Dim ShijyoA, ShijyoB
Dim ii, jj, iiDef
ii = 0
iiDef = -1
Dim LoopFlg
If Mode = "BuhinTenkai" Or Mode = "KeihiRoumuhi" Then
'LoopFlg = 2
LoopFlg = 1 '多段製造機能は廃止。部品展開・経費労務費の対象は製品のみ。
LoopFlg = 1
End If
For jj = 1 To LoopFlg
If jj = 2 Then
Title = "材料"
End If
Query = "exec SPM" & Title & "一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "', '" & GB_GakuseiNo & "'"
Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)
'Exit Sub
Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF)
If ShijoCD = "" Or "" & Content.Fields("市場CD") = ShijoCD Or (ShijoCD = "higenteietnegih" And "" & Content.Fields("市場CD") = "") Then
If (Mode <> "BuhinTenkai" And Mode <> "KeihiRoumuhi") Or (SyohinKubun = "S" And Title = "商品") Or (SyohinKubun = "Z" And Title = "材料") Then
If SyohinCD2 = Content.Fields("" & Title & "CD") Then
iiDef = ii
End If
End If
SyohinCD = Content.Fields("" & Title & "CD")
If GB_GakuseiNo <> "" Then
SyohinCD = Replace(SyohinCD, "-" & GB_GakuseiNo, "")
End If
Shohinmei = Content.Fields("" & Title & "名称")
ShohinRyakumei = Content.Fields("" & Title & "略名称")
HanbaiTanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("標準販売単価"),false,false)
ShireTnanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("標準仕入単価"),false,false)
UnsoTanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("運送料単価"),false,false)
SokoryoTanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("倉庫料単価"),false,false)
Jyuryo = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("" & Title & "重量"),false,false)
Yoseki = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("" & Title & "容積"),false,false)
Bikou = Content.Fields("備考")
ImageFile = ""
If Content.Fields("画像ファイル") <> "" Then
ImageFile = Fgoods & "/" & EnshuCD & "/" & Content.Fields("画像ファイル")
End If
Tani = Content.Fields("単位")
Lot = Content.Fields("ロット")
ShijyoCD = Content.Fields("市場CD")
SyoyuKaisyaRyakuMeisyo = Content.Fields("所有会社略名称")
SyoyuKaisyaCD = Content.Fields("所有会社CD")
TaxRate = Content.Fields("標準消費税率")
If ShijyoCD <> "" Then
ShijyoA = "市場"
ShijyoB = "" & Content.Fields("市場名称")
If ShijyoB = "" Then
'ShijyoB = "設定された 市場が存在 しません "
ShijyoB = "市場コード [ " & ShijyoCD & " ] の市場が 存在しません "
End If
ShijyoA = "製造会社"
ShijyoB = SyoyuKaisyaRyakuMeisyo
End If
'製造部では自社企画及びマスターを表示 '商品企画室では自社商品のみ表示
' If (PageType <> "Original" And PageType <> "SeizoBu") Or (PageType = "SeizoBu" And (SyoyuKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD Or SyoyuKaisyaCD = "")) Or (PageType = "Original" And SyoyuKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD) Then
If (PageType <> "Original" And PageType <> "SeizoBu") Or ((PageType = "SeizoBu" Or PageType = "Original") And SyoyuKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD) Then
If Mode = "KeihiRoumuhi" Then
Response.Write("" & vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" " & vbCrLf)
End If
If PackageMode = "1" Then
<% = SyohinCD %>
<% = Shohinmei %>
<%= ShohinRyakumei %>
<% = HanbaiTanka %>
If ShohizeiMode = 1 Then
<% = TaxRate %> %
End If
<% = Title %>CD
<% = Title %>名称
<% = Title %>略名称
<% = ShijyoA %>
<% = SyohinCD %>
<% = HardWrap(Shohinmei) %>
<%= ShohinRyakumei %>
<% = ShijyoB %>
<% = Title %>画像
<% If ImageFile <> "" Then %> <% Else %> <% End If %>
<% If MHMSTDSELLPRICE <> "" Then Response.Write(MHMSTDSELLPRICE) Else Response.Write("標準販売単価") End If %>
<% If ShohizeiMode = 1 Then %>
<% End If %>
<% = Title %>重量
<% = Title %>容積
<% If PageType = "SeizoBu" Then %>
<% End If %>
<% = HanbaiTanka %>
<% If ShohizeiMode = 1 Then %>
<% = TaxRate %>%
<% End If %>
<% = ShireTnanka %>
<% = UnsoTanka %>
<% = SokoryoTanka %>
<% = Jyuryo %>
<% = Yoseki %>
<% = Tani %>
<% If PageType = "SeizoBu" Then %>
<% = Lot %>
<% End If %>
End If
Response.Write(" ")
ii = ii + 1
End If
End If