<% ' %> <% main() Sub main() If Not(SessionCheck()) Then Exit Sub End If Dim KanriKubun Dim EnshuName Dim GenkaKaikeiRiyo Dim SyohinCD2, SyohinCD, Shohinmei, ShohinRyakumei '商品コード、商品名称、商品略名称 Dim HanbaiTanka, ShireTnanka, UnsoTanka '標準販売単価、標準仕入単価、運送費単価 Dim SokoryoTanka, Jyuryo, Yoseki '倉庫料単価、重量、容積 Dim Bikou '備考 Dim ImageFile Dim Tani Dim Lot Dim Query Dim Content Dim ShijyoCD, ShijyoMeisyo Dim SyoyuKaisyaCD Dim ShiireKaisyaCD Dim TaxRate Dim Category Dim RouteType Dim PageType PageType = Request("PageType") RouteType = Request("RouteType") SyohinCD = Request("SyohinCD") SyohinCD2 = SyohinCD Dim ShijoCD ShijoCD = Request("ShijoCD") Dim Mode Mode = Request("Mode") Dim Title If Mode = "Zairyo" Then Title = "材料" Else Title = "商品" End If '演習名称GET Dim ShohizeiMode ShohizeiMode = TaxRateSelection 'include_stasicのグローバル変数 Query = "exec SPM演習取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then EnshuName = Content.Fields("演習名称") GenkaKaikeiRiyo = "" & Content.Fields("原価会計利用") If Content.Fields("消費税") <= 0 Then ShohizeiMode = 0 '内税の場合は消費税率マスタ非利用に上書き End If End If '対象データGET Query = "exec SPM" & Title & "取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "','" & EnshuCD & "','" & SyohinCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then Shohinmei = Content.Fields(Title & "名称") ShohinRyakumei = Content.Fields(Title & "略名称") HanbaiTanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("標準販売単価"),false,false) ShireTnanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("標準仕入単価"),false,false) UnsoTanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("運送料単価"),false,false) SokoryoTanka = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields("倉庫料単価"),false,false) Jyuryo = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields(Title & "重量"),false,false) Yoseki = ConvIntToMoney(Content.Fields(Title & "容積"),false,false) Bikou = Content.Fields("備考") If Content.Fields("画像ファイル") <> "" Then ImageFile = Fgoods & "/" & EnshuCD & "/" & Content.Fields("画像ファイル") End If Tani = Content.Fields("単位") Lot = Content.Fields("ロット") ShijyoCD = "" & Content.Fields("市場CD") ShijyoMeisyo = "" & Content.Fields("市場名称") SyoyuKaisyaCD = "" & Content.Fields("所有会社CD") ShiireKaisyaCD = "" & Content.Fields("仕入先CD") TaxRate = "" & Content.Fields("標準消費税率") If PackageMode = 1 And Mode <> "Zairyo" Then Category = "" & Content.Fields("カテゴリ") End If End If %> <% = HtmlHeader("") %>
<% Response.Write(HtmlDesign(1)) If PageType = "Original" Or PageType = "SeizoBu" Then Response.Write(HttpL1(3)) Else Response.Write(HttpL1(4)) End If ' <% If PackageMode = 1 Then %> <% Else %> <% If ImageFile <> "" Then %> <% End If %> <% End If %>
<% If GB_Admin = 2 Then %> <% End If %> <% If PackageMode = 1 Then %> <% Else %> <% If PageType = "SeizoBu" And Mode <> "Zairyo" Then %> <% End If %>
対象演習名 <%= EnshuName %>
150<% Else %>150<% End If %>"><% = Title %>コード <% = SyohinCD %>
<% = Title %>名称 <% = Shohinmei %>
<% = Title %>略名称 <%= ShohinRyakumei %>
出荷単位 <% = Tani %>
ロット <% = Lot %> <% = Tani %>
<% End If %> <% If PackageMode = 1 Then %> <% Else %> <% If ShohizeiMode = 1 Then %> <% End If %> <% End If %> <% If PackageMode = 1 Then %> <% If ShohizeiMode = 1 Then %> <% End If %> <% End If %>
<% If MHMSTDSELLPRICE <> "" Then Response.Write(MHMSTDSELLPRICE) Else Response.Write("標準販売単価") End If %> <% = HanbaiTanka %>標準仕入単価 <% = ShireTnanka %>
標準消費税率 <% = TaxRate %> %
運送料単価 <% = UnsoTanka %> 倉庫料単価 <% = SokoryoTanka %>
<% = Title %>重量 <% = Jyuryo %> <% = Title %>容積 <% = Yoseki %>
標準消費税率 <% = TaxRate %> %
商品カテゴリ <% = Category %>
仕入先 <% = ConvKaisyaMeisyo(ShiireKaisyaCD) %>
<% If PackageMode = 1 Then %> <% Else %> <% If PageType <> "Original" And PageType <> "SeizoBu" Then %> <% End If %>
市場 <% If ShijyoCD = "" Then %>市場を限定しない<% ElseIf ShijyoMeisyo = "" Then %>設定されている市場コード[ <% = ShijyoCD %> ]に
<% Else %><% = ShijyoMeisyo %><% End If %>
製造会社 <% = ConvKaisyaRyakuMeisyoDx(EnshuCD, SyoyuKaisyaCD) %>
<% = Title %>備考 <% = Bikou %>
<% End If %>
<% = Title %>画像
<% = HtmlFooter %> <% End Sub %>