<% ' ' %> <% main() Sub main() If Not(SessionCheck()) Then Exit Sub End If Session(HomeAlias & "Kantan") = "0" '会社セッション初期化(演習状況記帳チェック後の対処) KaisyaCD = "" GB_KaisyaCD = "" KaisyaMeisyo = "" GB_KaisyaMeisyo = "" KaisyaRyakuMeisyo = "" GB_KaisyaRyakuMeisyo = "" Session(HomeAlias & "KaisyaCD") = "" Session(HomeAlias & "Gyosyu") = "" Session(HomeAlias & "GyosyuMeisyo") = "" Session(HomeAlias & "KaisyaMeisyo") = "" Session(HomeAlias & "KaisyaRyakuMeisyo") = "" Session(HomeAlias & "JisyaFlag") = "" Session(HomeAlias & "ShijyoCD") = "" Session(DBName & "AdminPC") = 1 Session(HomeAlias & "ShowPrintHeader") = 1 Dim Query Dim Content Dim Content2 Dim KyotsuPath Query = "exec SPMシステム情報取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then KyotsuPath = Content.Fields("共通データパス") End If Dim JikkyoTextAry(2) JikkyoTextAry(1) = "jikkyotext01" JikkyoTextAry(2) = "jikkyotext02" Dim Cnt Call Application.Lock() For Cnt = 1 To 2 '「Webで学ぶ総合実践@」演習のデータ更新処理(会計年度変更) Query = "exec SPM演習取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "', '" & JikkyoTextAry(Cnt) & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then Dim NendoGenzai Dim NendoData Dim NendoSa NendoGenzai = Year(Now) If Month(Now) < 4 Then NendoGenzai = NendoGenzai - 1 End If ' NendoSa = 0 ' If DateDiff("d", Content.Fields("会計終了日"), Now) > 0 Then '会計開始日からの月差を調べ12で割る(会計期間が1日〜月末であるためこの方法で正確)。 '12〜23(1以上2未満)で1年、24〜35(2以上3未満)で2年となる。 ' NendoSa = Fix(DateDiff("m", Content.Fields("会計開始日"), Now) / 12) 'Response.Write(DateDiff("m", Content.Fields("会計開始日"), Now) & "ヶ月
") 'Response.Write(NendoSa & "年") 'Exit Sub ' If NendoSa > 0 Then '不要だが念のため Dim Target Target = " WHERE 演習CD = '" & JikkyoTextAry(Cnt) & "' " Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGA入出庫TRN " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGA入出庫TRN " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("先方処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGA契約書F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGA契約書F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("開始日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("終了日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGA手形F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGA手形F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("支払期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("顛末日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGA手形明細F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGA手形明細F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGB銀行口座入出金TRN " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGB銀行口座入出金TRN " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC保険契約F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("申込年月日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC保険契約F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("申込年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("保険開始年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("保険終了年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC出庫F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("出庫年月日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC出庫F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("出庫年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("請求書発行日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC寄託在庫F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC寄託在庫F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("寄託開始年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("寄託保管期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("入庫年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC寄託在庫明細F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("倉荷証券回収日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC寄託在庫明細F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("倉荷証券回収日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC寄託者TRN " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC寄託者TRN " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("先方処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC寄託者台帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("寄託開始年月日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC寄託者台帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("寄託開始年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("寄託保管期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("入庫年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("倉荷証券回収日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGC運送契約F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("申込年月日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGC運送契約F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("申込年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGD製造指図書F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGD製造指図書F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("完了日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TGK現金入出金TRN " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TGK現金入出金TRN " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TKH小売販売TTL " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("買上日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TKH小売販売TTL " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("買上日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSA仕入売上書類F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSA仕入売上書類F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("先方処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("納入期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSA領収書F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSA領収書F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSB銀行取引申込書類F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSB銀行取引申込書類F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("手形支払期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("先方処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSC運送書類F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSC運送書類F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("納入期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSC運送費請求書F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSC運送費請求書F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSC運送費請求書手動F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSC運送費請求書手動F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSC運送費請求書手動明細F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("運送日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSC運送費請求書手動明細F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("運送日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK伝票F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK伝票F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK伝票仕入売上明細F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK伝票仕入売上明細F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_仕訳帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_仕訳帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_仕訳日記帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_仕訳日記帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_仕訳集計表F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_仕訳集計表F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_合計残高試算表F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_合計残高試算表F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_損益計算書F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_損益計算書F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_総勘定元帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_総勘定元帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK帳簿_貸借対照表F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK帳簿_貸借対照表F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_仕入帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_仕入帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_受取手形記入帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_受取手形記入帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("振出日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("満期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("顛末日付", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_商品有高帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_商品有高帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_売上帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_売上帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_売掛金元帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_売掛金元帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_小口現金出納帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_小口現金出納帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_当座預金出納帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_当座預金出納帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_支払手形記入帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_支払手形記入帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("振出日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("満期日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("顛末日付", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_材料仕入帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_材料仕入帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_材料元帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_材料元帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_現金出納帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_現金出納帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TSK補助簿_買掛金元帳F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("取引日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TSK補助簿_買掛金元帳F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("取引日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If If 0=1 Then '個人情報は保留 Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TTA社員台帳M " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("入社年月日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TTA社員台帳M " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("生年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("入社年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("離職年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TTA給与明細F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("支給年月日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TTA給与明細F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("支給年月日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TTXFAXF " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("作成日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TTXFAXF " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("作成日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TTXメールF " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("作成日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TTXメールF " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("作成日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TTX文書F " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("処理日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TTX文書F " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("処理日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TOP 1 * " Query = Query & " FROM TC2演習M " Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then NendoSa = 0 NendoData = Content.Fields("会計開始日") If Month(NendoData) < 4 Then NendoData = Year(NendoData) - 1 Else NendoData = Year(NendoData) End If NendoSa = NendoGenzai - NendoData If NendoSa > 0 Then Query = "" Query = Query & " UPDATE TC2演習M " Query = Query & " SET " & SetWord("会計開始日", NendoSa) Query = Query & " , " & SetWord("会計終了日", NendoSa) Query = Query & Target Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) ' Response.Write(Query) ' Exit Sub End If End If End If Next Call Application.Unlock() '消費税率マスタ辻褄合わせ(191015小野) Call Application.Lock() Query = "" Query = Query & " SELECT TC2演習M.演習CD, TC2演習M.消費税, TDA消費税率M.消費税率 " Query = Query & " FROM TC2演習M " Query = Query & " LEFT OUTER JOIN TDA消費税率M " Query = Query & " ON TC2演習M.システムCD = TDA消費税率M.システムCD " Query = Query & " AND TC2演習M.演習CD = TDA消費税率M.演習CD " Query = Query & " WHERE TDA消費税率M.演習CD IS NULL " Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Query = "" Query = Query & " " Query = Query & " if not(exists(select * from TDA消費税率M WHERE システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' AND 演習CD = '" & Content.Fields("演習CD") & "')) " Query = Query & " begin " Query = Query & " INSERT INTO TDA消費税率M (システムCD, 演習CD, 消費税率, 標準, 運送費標準) " Query = Query & " VALUES ('" & GB_SystemCD & "', '" & Content.Fields("演習CD") & "', " & Content.Fields("消費税") & ", '1', '1') " Query = Query & " end " Set Content2 = OpenQuery(Query) Content.MoveNext Loop Call Application.Unlock() '口座の存在しないゴミ残高の削除(201104小野) Call Application.Lock() Query = "" Query = Query & " DELETE TGB銀行口座入出金TRN " Query = Query & " FROM TGB銀行口座入出金TRN " Query = Query & " LEFT OUTER JOIN TGB銀行口座F " Query = Query & " ON TGB銀行口座入出金TRN.システムCD = TGB銀行口座F.システムCD " Query = Query & " AND TGB銀行口座入出金TRN.演習CD = TGB銀行口座F.演習CD " Query = Query & " AND TGB銀行口座入出金TRN.銀行CD = TGB銀行口座F.銀行CD " Query = Query & " AND TGB銀行口座入出金TRN.口座区分 = TGB銀行口座F.口座区分 " Query = Query & " AND TGB銀行口座入出金TRN.口座番号 = TGB銀行口座F.口座番号 " Query = Query & " WHERE TGB銀行口座F.システムCD IS NULL " Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Call Application.Unlock() %> <% = HtmlHeader("") %>
<% EnshuMeisyo = "運用管理システム" Session(HomeAlias & "EnshuMeisyo") = EnshuMeisyo Response.Write(HtmlDesign(1)) Response.Write(HttpL1(4)) Response.Write(HttpL2("運用管理メニュー" ,"", "", "", "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL3("","" ,"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL3_1("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL3_2("簡単設定(始めての方はこちらへ)", "tblbtn('admenu1.asp')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL4("運用管理", "詳細設定メニュー")) %>
<% = HtmlFooter %> <% End Sub Function SetWord(FieldName, AddAtai) SetWord = " " & FieldName & " = DATEADD(year, " & AddAtai & ", " & FieldName & ") " End Function %>