<!-- #include file="../../include.asp" -->

'	名称	:システム情報入力
'	作成日:2002/7/18
'	作成者:徳田
'	目的 :システム情報入力画面を表示する。
'	概要	:
'	 <<表示>>
'	・システム情報入力画面
'	<<入力チェック>>
'	・

Sub main()

	If Not(SessionCheck()) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If

	Dim UserName, ZipCode, Adress1, Adress2					'ユーザー名、郵便番号、住所1、住所2
	Dim TelNo, FaxNo, KanrishaId, Password					 '電話番号、FAX、管理者ID、パスワード
	Dim KyotsuPath, KojinPath, SystemName, Version, IPAddress, GakkoCD, hoshiki	 '共通データパス、個人データパス、システム名称、バージョン
	Dim WebCollaboPort	'TV電話ポート番号
	Dim FAXRiyo
	Dim KoshoninMes
	Dim AdminMes
	Dim ExtArray

	Dim TopMargin
	Dim LeftMargin

	Dim Query
	Dim Content

	Query = "exec SPMシステム情報取得 '" & GB_SystemCD & "'"
	Set Content = OpenQuery(Query)

	If Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) Then
		UserName = Content.Fields("ユーザー名")
		KanrishaId = Content.Fields("管理者コード")
		Password = Content.Fields("パスワード")
		KyotsuPath = Content.Fields("共通データパス")
		SystemName = Content.Fields("システム名称")
		Version = Content.Fields("バージョン")
		IPAddress = Content.Fields("IPアドレス")
		GakkoCD = Content.Fields("学校CD")
		hoshiki = Content.Fields("方式")
		FAXRiyo = "" & Content.Fields("FAX利用")
		ExtArray = Content.Fields("FAX利用可能拡張子")
		TopMargin = Content.Fields("名刺印刷余白上")
		LeftMargin = Content.Fields("名刺印刷余白左")
		KoshoninMes = "" & Content.Fields("会社設立時手数料メッセージ")
		AdminMes = "" & Content.Fields("メモ表示")
	End If
	If KoshoninMes <> "1" Then
		KoshoninMes = "0"
	End If
	If "" & AdminMes <> "1" And "" & AdminMes <> "2" Then
		AdminMes = "0"
	End If

	WebCollaboPort = ""
	If InStr("" & IPAddress, ":") > 0 Then
		Dim IPAddressAry
		IPAddressAry = Split(IPAddress, ":")
		If UBound(IPAddressAry) = 1 Then
			IPAddress = IPAddressAry(0)
			WebCollaboPort = IPAddressAry(1)
		End If
	End If

	If "" & GakkoCD = "" Then
		GakkoCD = "0123"
	End If

	If "" & TopMargin = "" Then
		TopMargin = 0
	End If
	If "" & LeftMargin = "" Then
		LeftMargin = 0
	End If

	Dim DefFolder
	DefFolder = Server.MapPath("/" & HomeAlias & "/data/backup")
	Dim fso
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If Not(fso.FolderExists(DefFolder)) Then
		DefFolder = ""
	End If

'PackageMode = 0

	Dim jj,tmps

<% = HtmlHeader("") %>
	HomeAlias = "<% = HomeAlias %>";
	HomeAliasSL = "<% = HomeAliasSL %>";
	ExitFlg = 2;

<body onkeydown="if(ExitFlg==2)ExitFlg=3;" onBeforeUnload="if(ExitFlg!=0)window.event.returnValue = ExitMsg(ExitFlg)" bgcolor="#5C70B6" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<form OnKeyDown="FormKeyDown(this)"	method="POST" action="fm_kihon_bin.asp" name="form1" onSubmit="return SubmitCheck();" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="SendValue" value="">



	Response.Write(HttpL2("運用管理メニュー" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/admin/admenu_w.asp')", "システム情報", "", "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	Response.Write(HttpL3("","" ,"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	Response.Write(HttpL3_1("保存", "SubmitCheck()", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	Response.Write(HttpL3_2("照会", "tblbtn( 'fm_kihon_view.asp')", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""))

	Response.Write(HttpL4("システム情報", "設定"))

<div id="L0" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; left: 0px; top: -2000px;">
	<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<td align="center">
				<table width="700" height="500" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid #000000">
						<td align="center" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/window_bk.gif"><!--薄青のチェックの背景-->
							<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<!--3x3上段左	--><td height="25" width="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_lu.gif"></td>
<!--3x3上段中央--><td height="20" align="center" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_h.gif">
										<table width="230" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/window_bk.gif">
												<td align="center" valign="bottom" class="tx2022mn">【 システム情報設定 】</td>
<!--3x3上段右	--><td height="25" width="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_ru.gif"></td>
<!--3x3中段左	--><td width="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_v.gif"></td>
<!--3x3中央		--><td width="600" align="center">

									<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
											<td valign="top" class="tx1618">
												<table border="0" width="600" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" class="tx1618">
														<td width="210" height="30">学校名</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="UserName" size="40" value="<% = UserName %>" class="tbox4_ime" onBlur="FormStrLeftIME(this,30,true);">
														<td height="30">運用管理者ID</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="KanrishaId" size="25" value="<% = KanrishaId %>" onBlur="FormStrLeftEdge(this,12,true,false);SetString(this, 12, false)"  class="tbox4">
														<td height="30">運用管理者パスワード</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="Password" size="25" value="<% = Password %>" onBlur="FormStrLeftEdge(this,12,true,false);SetString(this, 12, false)" class="tbox4">
														<td height="30">バックアップフォルダ</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="KyotsuPath" size="35" value="<% = KyotsuPath %>" maxlength="250" class="tbox4_ime">
															<% If DefFolder <> "" Then %>
																<input type="button" value="デフォルトフォルダを設定" class="tx1214" onClick="form1.KyotsuPath.value='<% = Replace(DefFolder, "\", "\\") %>';">
															<% End If %>
														<td height="30">システム名称</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="SystemName" size="40" value="<% = SystemName %>" class="tbox4_ro" readonly tabindex="-1">
														<td height="30">バージョン</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="Version" size="25" value="<% = Version %>" class="tbox4_ro" readonly tabindex="-1">
													<!--↓↓↓Tvvariable = 1 or 2 以外で全迂回(061025小野)-->
													If (Tvvariable = 1 Or Tvvariable = 2) And PackageMode <> 1 Then
														<td height="30">TV電話サーバーアドレス</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="IPAddress" size="35" value="<% = IPAddress %>" maxlength="50" class="tbox4" onBlur="FormStrLeftEdge(this,50,true,false);">
														<td height="30">TV電話サーバーポート番号</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="WebCollaboPort" size="8" value="<% = WebCollaboPort %>" maxlength="5" class="tbox4" onBlur="FormStrLeftEdge(this,12,true,false);SetString(this, 5, false)">
													Else	'↓↓↓Tvvariable = 1 or 2 以外時の設定値保持処理(061025小野)
													<input type="hidden" name="IPAddress" value="<% = IPAddress %>">
													<input type="hidden" name="WebCollaboPort" value="<% = WebCollaboPort %>">
													End If
													<!--↑↑↑Tvvariable = 1 or 2 以外で全迂回(061025小野)-->
													<input type="hidden" name="GakkoCD" value="<% = GakkoCD %>">
													<input type="hidden" name="hoshiki" size="3" value="<% = hoshiki %>" maxlength="2" class="tbox4_ime" style="ime-mode: disabled;">
													<% If EnableFAX = 1 And PackageMode <> 1 Then %>
														<td height="30">FAX機能の利用</td>
														<td height="30">
															<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='FAXRiyo' value= "1" <% If FAXRiyo = "1" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>利用する
															&nbsp;<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='FAXRiyo' value= "0" <% If FAXRiyo = "0" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>利用しない
													<% Else %>
													<input type="hidden" name="FAXRiyo" value="<% = FAXRiyo %>">
													<% End If %>
													<% If 1=1 Or PackageMode <> 1 Then %>
														<td height="30">送信許可ファイル形式</td>
														<td height="30">
															<input type="text" name="ExtArray" size="64" value="<% = ExtArray %>" maxlength="8000" class="tbox4">
													<% Else %>
													<input type="hidden" name="ExtArray" value="<% = ExtArray %>">
													<% End If %>
													<% If PackageMode <> 1 Then %>
<% If GB_IEmode = "1" Then %>
														<td height="30">名刺印刷時の余白</td>
														<td height="30">
															上側&nbsp;<input type="text" name="TopMargin" size="5" value="<% = TopMargin %>" class="tbox4" onKeyup="FormStrFloat(this,3,1);" onKeypress="FormStrFloat(this,3,1);" onBlur="FormStrFloatCutoff(this);">mm 
															左側&nbsp;<input type="text" name="LeftMargin" size="5" value="<% = LeftMargin %>" class="tbox4" onKeyup="FormStrFloat(this,3,1);" onKeypress="FormStrFloat(this,3,1);" onBlur="FormStrFloatCutoff(this);">mm
<% Else %>
													<input type="hidden" name="TopMargin" value="<% = TopMargin %>">
													<input type="hidden" name="LeftMargin" value="<% = LeftMargin %>">
<% End If %>
														<td height="30" class="tx1416" nowrap>会社設立時の手数料メッセージ&nbsp;</td>
														<td height="30">
															<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='KoshoninMes' value= "1" <% If KoshoninMes = "1" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>表示する
															&nbsp;<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='KoshoninMes' value= "0" <% If KoshoninMes = "0" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>表示しない
													<% Else %>
													<input type="hidden" name="TopMargin" value="<% = TopMargin %>">
													<input type="hidden" name="LeftMargin" value="<% = LeftMargin %>">
													<input type="hidden" name="KoshoninMes" value="<% = KoshoninMes %>">
													<% End If %>
														<td height="30" nowrap>一行メモ表示&nbsp;</td>
														<td height="30">
															<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='AdminMes' value= "1" <% If AdminMes = "1" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>教師機のみ表示
															&nbsp;<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='AdminMes' value= "2" <% If AdminMes = "2" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>生徒側も表示
															&nbsp;<INPUT type='radio' style="cursor:pointer;" name='AdminMes' value= "0" <% If AdminMes = "0" Then Response.Write(" checked") End If %>>表示しない
<font color="FF0000">
<% If (Tvvariable = 1 Or Tvvariable = 2) And PackageMode <> 1 Then %>
※ <B>送信許可ファイル形式</B>は許可するファイル拡張子をカンマ区切りで指定してください。
<% End If %>
※ <B>バックアップフォルダ</B>はサーバー内のフォルダを指定してください。
<!--3x3中段右--><td width="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_v.gif"></td>
<!--3x3下段左--><td height="20" width="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_ld.gif"></td>
<!--3x3下段中央--><td height="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_h.gif"></td>
<!--3x3下段右	--><td height="20" width="20" background="/<% = HomeAlias %>/images/dlgline_rd.gif"></td>


<% = HtmlFooter %>



	function SubmitCheck()
		if(form1.KanrishaId.value == "")
			return false;

		if(form1.Password.value == "")
			return false;
		return true;

End Sub