<% ' ' ' %> <% main() Sub main() Dim i Dim PageType PageType = Request("PageType") MaxPage = 100 Dim ShijoCD ShijoCD = Request("ShijoCD") %> <% = HtmlHeader("") %> <% = PrintScriptX %> <% Dim RowBreakNum, RowCount Dim Page RowBreakNum = 13 RowCount = 0 Dim SyoyuKaisyaCD Dim Query Dim Content Dim ii, jj ii = 0 jj = 0 Dim SyohinCDAry Dim SyohinMeisyoAry ReDim SyohinCDAry(0) ReDim SyohinMeisyoAry(0) Query = "exec SPM商品一覧 '" & GB_SystemCD & "', '" & EnshuCD & "', '" & GB_GakuseiNo & "'" Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) If ShijoCD = "" Or "" & Content.Fields("市場CD") = ShijoCD Or (ShijoCD = "higenteietnegih" And "" & Content.Fields("市場CD") = "") Then SyoyuKaisyaCD = Content.Fields("所有会社CD") If (PageType <> "Original" And PageType <> "SeizoBu") Or ((PageType = "Original" Or PageType = "SeizoBu") And SyoyuKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD) Then '商品一覧を配列化(テーブル展開時に2セルずつ並べるため2商品ずつ配列化) '奇数回ループ時のみ配列を宣言 If jj = 0 Then ii = ii + 1 ReDim PreServe SyohinCDAry(ii) ReDim PreServe SyohinMeisyoAry(ii) End If '1配列に2商品ずつ連結する ハイフン+学生番号をカットし先頭に空白を付加して4文字に統一 区切り文字 SyohinCDAry(ii) = SyohinCDAry(ii) & Right(" " & Replace(Content.Fields("商品CD"), "-" & GB_GakuseiNo, ""), 4) & "systemfuturerutufmetsys" SyohinMeisyoAry(ii) = SyohinMeisyoAry(ii) & Content.Fields("商品名称") & "systemfuturerutufmetsys" If jj = 0 Then jj = 1 Else jj = 0 End If End If End If Content.MoveNext Loop 'リセット ii = 1 For Page = 1 To MaxPage If Page <> 1 Then Response.Write(PageBreakBefore) End If %>
<% Response.Write(PrintHeader(0, "商品バーコード一覧")) %> <% For jj = ii To UBound(SyohinCDAry) Dim CellCnt CellCnt = 0 Dim RowCnt RowCnt = 2 'Dim TopMargin 'Dim LeftMargin Dim CellWidth Dim GapHeight 'TopMargin = 10 'LeftMargin = 10 CellWidth = 105 GapHeight = 20 Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) Dim SyohinCD Dim SyohinMeisyo SyohinCD = Split(SyohinCDAry(jj), "systemfuturerutufmetsys") SyohinMeisyo = Split(SyohinMeisyoAry(jj), "systemfuturerutufmetsys") Dim kk For kk = 0 To 1 If SyohinCD(kk) <> "" Then Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) End If Next ii = ii + 1 RowCount = RowCount + 1 If RowCount > 0 And RowCount Mod RowBreakNum = 0 Then Exit For End If Next %>
" & vbCrLf) Response.Write(BarcodeWriteCode39(SyohinCD(kk), SyohinMeisyo(kk))) Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) Response.Write(SyohinMeisyo(kk)) Response.Write("
<% Response.Write(PrintFooter()) %>
<% If jj => UBound(SyohinCDAry) Then Exit For End If Next %> <% End Sub %>