<% ' ' %> <% main() Sub main() If Not(SessionCheck()) Then Exit Sub End If Dim Cnt Dim RouteType RouteType = Request("RouteType") Dim PageType PageType = "小口現金出納帳" Dim AutoZandakaNyuryoku AutoZandakaNyuryoku = GetEnshuParam(EnshuCD, "残高自動計算") '仕訳日選択モード Dim Shiwakebi Shiwakebi = "0" If ShiwakebiSelect = 1 Then Shiwakebi = GetEnshuParam(EnshuCD, "日付仕訳日指定") End If ' Shiwakebi = "0" ' Shiwakebi = "1" Dim TmpShiwakebiAry Dim ShiwakebiAry '自前フォーム用配列 ReDim ShiwakebiAry(0) If Shiwakebi = "1" Then Query = "" Query = Query & " " Query = Query & " " Query = Query & " SELECT 取引日 " Query = Query & " FROM TSK伝票F " Query = Query & " WHERE 削除フラグ = 0 " Query = Query & " AND システムCD = '" & GB_SystemCD & "' " Query = Query & " AND 演習CD = '" & EnshuCD & "' " Query = Query & " AND 会社CD = '" & KaisyaCD & "' " Query = Query & " GROUP BY 取引日 " Query = Query & " ORDER BY 取引日 DESC " Set Content = OpenQuery(Query) Do While Not(Content.BOF Or Content.EOF) TmpShiwakebiAry = TmpShiwakebiAry & "\t" & SetTimeYYYYMMDD(Content.Fields("取引日")) ReDim PreServe ShiwakebiAry(UBound(ShiwakebiAry) + 1) '配列+1 ShiwakebiAry(UBound(ShiwakebiAry)) = "" & SetTimeYYYYMMDD(Content.Fields("取引日")) Content.MoveNext Loop End If Dim WidthTorihikibi, WidthKingakuWide, WidthKingakuNarrow, WidthParent, WidthParent2, WidthTekiyo Dim HeightCell HeightCell = 23 WidthTorihikibi = 84 WidthKingakuWide = 98 WidthKingakuNarrow = 78 WidthTekiyo = 180 WidthParent = 894 WidthParent2 = 874 If Shiwakebi = "1" Then WidthTorihikibi = WidthTorihikibi + 10 WidthParent = WidthParent + 10 WidthParent2 = WidthParent2 + 10 End If Dim GokeiSyunyu Dim GokeiShisyutsu Dim GokeiKingaku1 Dim GokeiKingaku2 Dim GokeiKingaku3 Dim GokeiKingaku4 Dim GokeiKingaku5 GokeiSyunyu = 0 GokeiShisyutsu = 0 GokeiKingaku1 = 0 GokeiKingaku2 = 0 GokeiKingaku3 = 0 GokeiKingaku4 = 0 GokeiKingaku5 = 0 Dim DbKarikataKingakuTotal Dim DbKashikataKingakuTotal DbKarikataKingakuTotal = 0 DbKashikataKingakuTotal = 0 %> <% = HtmlHeader("sj3tyobored11") %>
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