<% ' ' %> <% main() Sub main() If Not(SessionCheck()) Then Exit Sub End If Dim PageType PageType = Request("PageType") Dim HakkoFlg HakkoFlg = Request("HakkoFlg") Dim BunsyoSyuruiCD BunsyoSyuruiCD = Request("BunsyoSyuruiCD") Dim RouteType RouteType = Request("RouteType") Dim SenpoFlg SenpoFlg = Request("SenpoFlg") Dim ShowDel ShowDel = Request("ShowDel") Dim Title Title = ConvKubunMeisyo("手形種類区分", BunsyoSyuruiCD) '##### 2007.07.02 OldBunsyoNaiyoCD APPEND Dim OldBunsyoNaiyoCD OldBunsyoNaiyoCD = Request("OldBunsyoNaiyoCD") Dim SakuseiKaisyaCD SakuseiKaisyaCD = Request("SakuseiKaisyaCD") If PageType <> "" Then If InStr(PageType, "支払") > 0 Then SenpoFlg = 0 BunsyoSyuruiCD = "TS" Else SenpoFlg = 1 BunsyoSyuruiCD = "TU" End if Else If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "TS" Then SakuseiKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD End If If SakuseiKaisyaCD = KaisyaCD Then SenpoFlg = 0 Else SenpoFlg = 1 End IF End If Dim ViewAll If InStr(Title, "履歴") > 0 Then ViewAll = "1" 'この条件は存在しない。過去には「受取(支払)手形履歴」もこれを使ってたようだが、2002年に川崎氏が履歴を分離して以降は使われていない模様。 Else ViewAll = "0" End If Dim TegataJyotaiKubun TegataJyotaiKubun = Request("TegataJyotaiKubun") If TegataJyotaiKubun = "" Then TegataJyotaiKubun = "TF" End If %> <% = HtmlHeader("") %>
<% If InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then Response.Write(HtmlDesign(4)) Else Response.Write(HtmlDesign(1)) End If Response.Write(HttpL1(3)) If InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 And InStr(RouteType, "RMail") > 0 Then Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", "受発信文書", "", "受信文書", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 And InStr(RouteType, "SMail") > 0 Then Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", "受発信文書", "", "発信文書", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then Response.Write(HttpL2("照会・集計ウィンドウ" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s_viewonly.asp')", "経理部", "", "履歴", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) ElseIf GB_Gyosyu <> "B" Then Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo, "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "経理部", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_s1.asp')", Title & "", "", "", "", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL2("会社選択" ,"tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/')", GB_GyosyuMeisyo , "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & ".asp')", "経理業務", "tblbtn( '/" & HomeAlias & "/user/bk/menu_" & GB_Gyosyu & "1.asp')", Title & "", "", "", "", "", "")) End If Response.Write(HttpL3("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ,"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) If InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Or ViewAll = "1" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_1("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Response.Write(HttpL3_2("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_1("照会", "syokaibtn()", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) Dim L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323FName, L323FValue, L323UName, L323UValue, L323HName, L323HValue, L323SName, L323SValue L321Name = "追加" L321Value = "tblbtn( 'fk_tegata.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "')" If ShowDel = "1" Then L322Name = "廃棄済みを非表示" L322Value = "tblbtn('fk_tegata_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&TegataJyotaiKubun=" & TegataJyotaiKubun & "&ShowDel=0" & "&HakkoFlg=" & HakkoFlg & "')" Else L322Name = "廃棄済みを表示" L322Value = "tblbtn('fk_tegata_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&TegataJyotaiKubun=" & TegataJyotaiKubun & "&ShowDel=1" & "&HakkoFlg=" & HakkoFlg & "')" End If L323FName = "振出一覧" L323FValue = "tblbtn( 'fk_tegata_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&TegataJyotaiKubun=TF')" L323UName = "受取一覧" L323UValue = "tblbtn( 'fk_tegata_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&TegataJyotaiKubun=TU')" L323HName = "引受一覧" L323HValue = "tblbtn( 'fk_tegata_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&TegataJyotaiKubun=TH')" L323SName = "作成一覧" L323SValue = "tblbtn( 'fk_tegata_ichiran.asp?BunsyoSyuruiCD=" & BunsyoSyuruiCD & "&TegataJyotaiKubun=TF&HakkoFlg=0')" If BunsyoSyuruiCD = "TK" Then If TegataJyotaiKubun = "TF" Then If HakkoFlg = "0" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323FName, L323FValue, L323UName, L323UValue, L323HName, L323HValue)) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323SName, L323SValue, L323UName, L323UValue, L323HName, L323HValue)) End If ElseIf TegataJyotaiKubun = "TU" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323SName, L323SValue, L323FName, L323FValue, L323HName, L323HValue)) Else 'TH Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323SName, L323SValue, L323FName, L323FValue, L323UName, L323UValue)) End If Else If TegataJyotaiKubun = "TF" Then If HakkoFlg = "0" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323FName, L323FValue, L323UName, L323UValue, "", "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323SName, L323SValue, L323UName, L323UValue, "", "")) End If ElseIf TegataJyotaiKubun = "TU" Then Response.Write(HttpL3_2(L321Name, L321Value, L322Name, L322Value, L323SName, L323SValue, L323FName, L323FValue, "", "")) End If End If End If If ViewAll = "1" Then If SenpoFlg = 1 Then Response.Write(HttpL4(Title , "")) Else Response.Write(HttpL4(Title , "")) End If ElseIf InStr(RouteType, "ViewOnly") > 0 Then If TegataJyotaiKubun = "TF" Then Response.Write(HttpL4("振出一覧", "")) ElseIf TegataJyotaiKubun = "TU" Then Response.Write(HttpL4("受取一覧", "")) Else 'TH Response.Write(HttpL4("引受一覧", "")) End If Else If TegataJyotaiKubun = "TF" Then If HakkoFlg = "0" Then Response.Write(HttpL4(Title, "作成一覧")) Else Response.Write(HttpL4(Title, "振出一覧")) End If ElseIf TegataJyotaiKubun = "TU" Then Response.Write(HttpL4(Title, "受取一覧")) Else 'TH Response.Write(HttpL4(Title, "引受一覧")) End If End If Dim NextUrl Dim Query,Query2 Dim Content,Content2 Dim ii Dim torihikibi Dim iiDef %>
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